Is IM really that easy? Don't think so at all!

21 replies

I've seen that a lot of starters (well actually most of them haven't started at all!) think that IM is easy to do and there is a lot of easy money to be made on the internet.

I've been thinking about this for a long time, I'm into internet for over 5 years now, I started building non commercial websites and moved to internet marketing after that and now I'm into product creation.

What I think is, anyone who is having success on the internet is actually a successful person and an entrepreneur if nothing else. That person will be successful even if s/he doesn't chose to deal with IM.

Anyone who quits before even trying, who quits on the first fail will be ending on a 9-6 job..

I've failed a lot, I've failed miserably but I've learned a lot from every mistake that I've made.

Like Edison said; I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that won't work.

I really encourage starters to FAIL. In every failure, there is a lesson to be learned!

What do you think? Do you think that a successful marketer can do well offline on another job?

  • Profile picture of the author gvannorman
    This is actually great information. I just started in Affiliate Marketing. It hasnt been easy. In fact the hardest part right now is getting started. Once you get past each step, you feel like you accomplished something. And the first step I feel is finding the niche that you want to be in. Its not an easy process all by itself. So, dont quit, keep trying...and remember what works for one, might not work for another. Just ask questions, learn and take action...its really all there is to it.

    I personally havent had enough time to fail. but, Im sure I will...and Ill get back on the horse and ride again...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Trainor
    In any martial art or combat sport, almost everyone will say that you learn more when you lose than when you win. Why? Because it is true!
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    No, that is definitely not true. I cannot imagine having success in any type of offline business. I do not like socializing and networking which are extremely important in offline business. You can work on an online business all year round working alone. Although it would probably help if you network

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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    • Profile picture of the author SuperRyan
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      No, that is definitely not true. I cannot imagine having success in any type of offline business. I do not like socializing and networking which are extremely important in offline business. You can work on an online business all year round working alone. Although it would probably help if you network
      So true...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Internet Marketing IS easy BUT now as easy as salesletters pitch. In my opinion, people go into IM thinking they will be rich by week 2 and they arent and then claim its not easy.

    I like to compare it to the offline world...

    If Joe Shmo gets a job at a food joint, he will work full days for a year to earn roughly 15k after tax. Put in that many hours into internet marketing and should be able to earn 10x that, just in brute hard work internet marketing, without any tricks.

    People just dont put in the effort and give up easier in the online world compared to offline.

    So is internet marketing easy. Sure. But you still need to put in a decent amount of work.
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  • Profile picture of the author refsna
    I tend to agree with Kenster. You have to compare IM as a job just like any other job. So, it might seem like you're spending a lot of time and effort on IM when you're working on it 2-4 hours/day but really you are only spending 25-50% of the time and effort that you would spend on any other job. So when people are not successful they just say, "Oh, it's too hard!" but the people who are successful know that they have to put in a lot of real hours every day. It's a full time job and it has the potential to pay off very well. But don't forget that it's a full time job and you won't get very far only working on it part time.
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    • Profile picture of the author robhud1
      Great viewpoints, everyone. The hardest thing for me is learning the purpose of all the tools and techniques used in IM. I've gotten over the lack of patience, and the lack of focus problems.

      I think that's a major downfall for most of us newbies. Can't focus on one system, and not giving ourselves enough time to do what's needed to start seeing some results. Hang in there if you're getting a little discouraged. If you feel stuck, just put it aside, and sleep on it. it'll start making some sense little by little.
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  • Profile picture of the author itcoll
    all of us Imers have not ever is just a 50-step process.every step is a failure.
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    • Profile picture of the author benyeo84
      That's the common perception, because alot of IM ebook authors made it seems so. The results normally shown is because they already know their stuff but you don't! You may need to understand how everything works before you actually see results. So action plan is the key.

      Yes, having patience is good. But what more important is to keep trying, Don't jump at every ebook or course that claims to make you a 5/6 figures very soon. Source around and pick a good course, maybe article writing or email advertising and specialise in it and you will soon see some results

      It's may not be easy to start out in IM, but try to keep the passion in it and try it till you see your very own success, every mistakes you made will make you understand how everything works. That what I did too 2 years ago when I first started out

      Keep up the spirit and all the best
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      • Profile picture of the author achivement84
        Ofcourse it`s no easy to start any new task , not only the IM but any other job would be hard at the start, once you passed this stage then everything will be knowen for you.I agree you that "Fail" is a great teacher for those who have The will and determination.

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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Spare me, but I beg to differ.

    Failure is not great in and of itself. It's your endurance that makes the failure great.

    So I'd much rather spend time and money into investigating how a successful business can be formed than just start out to win a Trojan war with a couple of swords.

    Failure is over rated. People say failing is great and other majestic things about failing. Here's something you need to remember- You are not in the IM world to invent new ways like Edison... you're here to make money. That is as simple as looking what is making money for other people and duplicating it in your own niche.

    Game over.

    So, I'd much rather see you celebrate success than failure.

    Trust me... When you have a clear path... you mostly succeed if you give it all your heart.


    P.S. Alican... give it a go... whatever you'er doing... but make sure its not half hearted. Put all your heart into it, and see if it works. If it doesn't, move on and copy a business model that works for someone else. All the best...
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    • Profile picture of the author robert25
      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

      Spare me, but I beg to differ.

      Failure is not great in and of itself. It's your endurance that makes the failure great.

      So I'd much rather spend time and money into investigating how a successful business can be formed than just start out to win a Trojan war with a couple of swords.

      Failure is over rated. People say failing is great and other majestic things about failing. Here's something you need to remember- You are not in the IM world to invent new ways like Edison... you're here to make money. That is as simple as looking what is making money for other people and duplicating it in your own niche.

      Game over.

      So, I'd much rather see you celebrate success than failure.

      Trust me... When you have a clear path... you mostly succeed if you give it all your heart.


      P.S. Alican... give it a go... whatever you'er doing... but make sure its not half hearted. Put all your heart into it, and see if it works. If it doesn't, move on and copy a business model that works for someone else. All the best...

      This is very easy to say when a person is successful, but starting any new venture or business is not that simple.
      But I agree with your saying, "whatever you'er doing... but make sure its not half hearted. Put all your heart into it"
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

      Failure is not great in and of itself. It's your endurance that makes the failure great.
      I would rather say it's not the failure OR the success that is great.

      It is what you learned.

      Celebrate what you learned from your last endeavour, whether it succeeded or failed. So long as everything you do teaches you something, you will eventually have success... and each success will improve. But success without learning is as bad as failure. If you don't know why you succeeded, or how you could have succeeded more, that success is just a flash in the pan.

      I've had a lot of successes, and a lot of failures, and in the end... it's what I learned that mattered. A failure that teaches nothing isn't cause for celebration, and neither is a success that teaches nothing.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author robert25
    I Agree with you Alican.. With every failure we are learning and moving one step closer to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author la dominatrix
    Internet marketing is like anything else that is successful it is first and foremost a business, it is not a hobby or pleasure even if you love it. Ninety odd percent of people who go into business for themselves fail in the real world. There are as many reasons for that as people who fail.
    Primarily most businesses that fail or either underfunded or underresearched or in a lot of cases both. I havce been self employed for nearly thirty five years and fro me there is no other option but for a lot of people the security of a nine to five job is a better bet.
    La dominatrix
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    • Profile picture of the author Hyaku_Man
      I've had to bust my ass to get to the level I'm at, which is not really all that high (though I do make a living from IM). It is not easy. But it requires a lot less money to start up than most offline businesses, so while it's not easy it is more accessible in that sense.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by Hyaku_Man View Post

        I've had to bust my ass to get to the level I'm at, which is not really all that high (though I do make a living from IM). It is not easy. But it requires a lot less money to start up than most offline businesses, so while it's not easy it is more accessible in that sense.

        Yes, it is very accessible to everybody because of the extremely low start up cost. And although its a lot of work in the beginning, once you find something, some process, some method that works. Its VERY easy to make good money without a lot of work.

        The key is staying in the game long enough to figure everything out, come up with your own way of doing something that works, and sticking with it to perfect the method. Then its all downhill.
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      • Profile picture of the author vc2008
        I am also in this journey with a little bit of success and a lot of failure.

        But I keep trying. You should keep trying and should not
        lose interest and jump from one program to another.

        If you are determined and work with an action plan, you can achieve success.

        I am also game with choosing a good program or a teacher and follow the steps laid out with utmost passion.

        All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author seomark09
    I think of internet marketing as being able to explore new networks and put your ideas to action. I have made many failures in internet marketing, but I do not think of them as a failure, I think of it as a learning step up. All my failures have lead me on the right direction to where I am today. I am not a huge expert or multi million dollar internet marketing, but I do live comfortable and only work about 10 hours per week online.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ehanson
      This is what I've needed after a week of slumping sales- encouragement to go on and not give into failure.

      People who are successful will be successful no matter what they choose- online or offline.
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