A Little Left of Right Field

by art72
3 replies
While I am getting ready to walk out the door, I have to ask;

Have any of you ever felt with any great difficulty that the amount of time spent "beating yourself up" in lieu of "beating the ignorance out of another" is an exhausting process?

I don't know about anyone else, but lately it seems my willingness to 'move-on' is becoming all too common, and leaves me to question...

Are we giving the 'intentionally' ignorant too much slack?

In the moment, I feel to be one step away from 'slapping the snot out of the next ******* who desperately deserves it' - only lately, I am fighting desperately within myself to restrain from taking such action.

It seemed so much easier a few years ago to 'through the gloves off' and just do it. Now, I actually think first...

*BTW, this was subjectively asked to a series of offline issues, and not directed at anyone here.

It appears 'ignorance is winning' in my current affairs, and while I want to rise up and fight it, it seems the more I try to ignore it and just move on, turn the other cheek and stay focused on the positive, the more this pestilence intrudes!

What gives?

Just a burning thought.

All the Best,

#field #left
  • Profile picture of the author odessaporter
    thanks for the share
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    And you're very welcome!

    Ironically, the "Laws of Attraction" tested me right after I wrote this post yesterday. I went to pick up a few items, and saw the exact person that inspired this thread. While, I refrained my fists, I did let out a straight-forward one-liner, and watched almost humorously as this person ran in fear.

    Mind you, I am all about forgiveness. But with so much evil about, I don't exactly consider forgiveness meaning invite the devil to dinner and dessert either.

    Ah, I got over now, but the financial repercussions still linger without merit.

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author poath
    Why are you beating yourself up in the first place? If people wishes to stay ignorant, let them be. I spend many an hour trying to educate people on stuff they stubbornly remain ignorant of. Your time is valuable, walk past instead of turning the other cheek.
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