Break The Rule ... Be Original

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There is one thing I can say about people who
are overly concerned with everyone liking them.
I call them cowards, after all what is the point
of being on this earth if all you want to do is
be liked by everyone?

You want to be an original my friend, I know this
and now is the time to start being more original
than ever before. There is no better time than
right now for you to get things in gear and start
thinking outside the box.

Yet that will require some bravery on your part,
as well as you breaking some of the rules. No I did
not say break the laws, but break the rules. We
have so many rules in life about everything "you
can't do this" or "you can't do that", I believe that
you have to listen to yourself and break some of
the rules.

My message is not to go out and break the law,
violate other people, and cause mayhem. I am
saying that if you want to get somewhere in life
that is worthwhile, you are going to have to think
outside of the box and break some of the rules.

True mavericks, and some of the most powerful
world re-known people have gotten where they
are because they broke some of the rules.

If we look back through the times we can take note
of many people who broke the rules and changed
society as we know it.

One perfect example would be Ms. Rosa Parks.
She broke the rules when she sat at the front
of a public bus back in 1955. They told her to
move, but she did not budge. She felt that she
had the rights of any other paying citizen to sit
where ever she wanted to. Her display of breaking
the rules led to the civil rights movement which
led to more equal rights for minorities and women
in this country.

As we can plainly see, this average woman broke
the rules and inspired a large group of people to
stand side by side and initiate a change in the way
this country operated. Her originality has led us
to a society that allows any person of any ethnic
background more equal opportunities than ever

I hope you see how breaking some of the rules
can make you a true original. Break the rules,
avoid becoming a criminal :-). However do be
sure that you think outside the box from now on.
#break #original #rule

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