by HeySal
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I am completely overwhelmed by you folks, and I have no clue what the social decorum for this situation is, but I feel I need to thank you all personally for your efforts to help me to reattain my health.

If you have donated a dime, a product, even a few minutes of your time to me, I cannot put into words how extremely grateful and appreciative I am to you. To have so many care about what happens to me is something that I boggles me, and I spend some time now and again thinking back to remember little clues of what I may have done to earn such allegiance from this wonderful group of people. You have humbled me in ways I would have never thought possible.

My cancer derived from environmental poisoning. It is esophaegal - of course. I had to have a rare form (only 1% of cancer is this type). I knew I was sick but it didn't seem like it was going to be anything serious. After being caught in hazardous to dangerous levels of forest fire smoke for 2 months this summer, I declined rapidly. I had to move from where I was (I would have died already had I stayed there) in the rainforests of Oregon and being that we were coming into Christmas season my sister asked me to stay with her for the month first. I wasn't sure I'd survive the drive down. I ended up in emergency 2 weeks after I got there. Seemed like rest wasn't going to do it for me.

I had a testosterone fest of a doctor tell me that it was all in my head, nothing wrong, just mental. Seriously. I had pointed to the exact place I hurt, and he was so far above having to listen to a sick old woman that he didn't even order the CT scan for the right area. A month later I was back and got a real diagnosis from a different doctor.

I was offered only photon chemo, which at 80 pounds would have put me down real fast. The doctor agreed with me when I said I couldn't survive photon chemo (giving me less than a 10% chance of survival) - leaving me to wonder why he even offered it. Anyway - they offered to cut a hole in me for a feeding tube, even though I could still swallow food and the tube would have had no effect on allowing me to eat more than I did. They also offered to help me find a hospice.

Well - you know what my reaction to all that was. F*** no. I'm not gonna just go die because some doctor doesn't know, or isn't allowed to give me REAL treatments - treatments that actually help people, actually kill cancer cells but leave good cells intact, instead of just generating money for the medical industrial complex.

I look like an escapee from Auzwich, I'm less than 80 pounds, but eating better and more now. My sister and niece (as well as myself) are all great cooks and we eat almost 100% organic, so the food is top quality. Needless to say, though, I tire extremely easily. I will go rest for awhile after I am done typing this. I am much stronger than I was just a few months ago. I have been spending up to $700 a month in cancer killing supplements. I'm going the right direction, but it's miserable and is taking a long time. I knew that it would.

I am on opioid pain meds, which is another reason I tire easily. I'm high. The good news is that when I started the meds I was allowed a pill every 6 hours. I was taking half a pill every 6. Then they upped the dosage to one every 4 hours because they said I'd need it to be comfy. I sometimes go 8 hours without the half I am still taking, so nothing seems to be going in the wrong direction. Taking all these natural meds makes me feel like a stuffed turkey, but stuffing those beats dying so I can handle that. Some of the stuff tastes awful, but if it works, I don't care.

There are a few therapies that I would love to be able to get to help strengthen and quicken my recovery. C infusion and Oxygen and Rife. They are hard to get and extremely expensive. I don't know of an insurance that will cover either. I am going to go to a naturopath and get some medical cannabis. It's legal to smoke here, and keeps the pain in control and keeps me happy and calm, but I want the real medicinal concentrate, and that still takes a doctor's signature.

Your efforts may just make it possible for me to get some of these therapies. They will, and already have, taken some of the strain off affording my anti-cancer supplements.
I've started a blog and have started discussing what all I am using to beat this crud. It's just cancer. I've had enough experience with it to know better than to let a doctor scare me into doing anything dangerous. You might want to follow along on the blog: Beyond The Path

I don't write every day because it's tiring, but I will be adding to it a few times a week.

How do you know if I know what I'm talking about or if I'm full of BS? Simple. I'm supposed to be either in Hospice or dead right now. I'm still ambulatory. I am stronger than I was, and can do a few things for myself that the family was doing for me to keep me from collapsing from fatigue. If I live.......I have it right. If I don't.........well.......we all have to make choices when the medical community says "cancer". When they say they can't do anything more for you - you either figure it out on your own, or you don't. It's that simple.

Thank you to each one of you who has offered your support to me in any form. It is more appreciated than I can ever express.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    If your caregivers or friends are comfortable with it, you can make your own oil. I've been making it with a very similar process since the early 80s.

    Also, the strain you use can have a big impact on effectiveness. Marijuana is not all the same. There are many hundreds of different strains with varying properties. A little research into this may prove beneficial.

    Keep on, keeping on!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11348470].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post

      If your caregivers or friends are comfortable with it, you can make your own oil. I've been making it with a very similar process since the early 80s.

      Also, the strain you use can have a big impact on effectiveness. Marijuana is not all the same. There are many hundreds of different strains with varying properties. A little research into this may prove beneficial.

      Keep on, keeping on!
      My niece used to make the oils. I'd trust her to do it now.........but as you said, there are different strains and I don't know which one I need. I'll be seeing a doctor licensed for medical cannabis pretty soon and he'll know. I have to go to one anyway to get the card so I can get the CBD oil. I need a high THC concentrate, and you can't just go buy that at a recreational dispensary. One of the members of my website was a grower, and he had a strain that was an expectorant that I used a few times to clear out my lungs during a bad allergy season. Worked as good as anything off the shelf without any of the side effects.

      I also made a tincture from just the buds and Everclear to use topically. When I get aches and pains it works really well. I've made a skin lotion of that, black seed oil, hemp oil, and coconut oil that does wonders for my skin (it's really dry now). With the cannabis in it, it makes my whole body feel good.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Hi Sal,

    If any of the meds taste awful, do what I do. I take a jelly bean (or add some other candy if you prefer) per mouthful if you take a few at a time. Obviously drink water to get the drugs down. I'm on numerous medications including opioids that taste foul and it's only the sweetness that helps get them down and keep them down.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Hi Sal,

      If any of the meds taste awful, do what I do. I take a jelly bean (or add some other candy if you prefer) per mouthful if you take a few at a time. Obviously drink water to get the drugs down. I'm on numerous medications including opioids that taste foul and it's only the sweetness that helps get them down and keep them down.
      I stay away from sugar. Cancer feeds on it. The sweet I get is from organic or fresh squeezed juices. I drink juice every day with black raspberries that I dried and ground into flour in it, so I just dump other supplements in it. I can't swallow capsules anymore. If the sup is in a capsule, I have to dump it out in the juice. That swig of juice will taste pretty funky, but I follow it up with a sip of straight juice and everything is all good.

      I'm sorry to hear your health requires a lot of meds, too. These opioids make me just stoned for the most part. Put some THC on it and I feel like I've been transported back to 1969. Peace and love, baby. Better than hurting by a longshot but not good for trying to get anything coherent in writing, LOL.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I understand Sal and it's good that you do have ways to get rid of that disgusting taste. My doctor is trying to wean me off one of the powerful opioids and the side effects are very NASTY. Being high is one way to describe it, along with extreme fatigue, memory loss, confusion, more pain, dizziness and a lot more.

    It has been 6 weeks and that is starting to settle a bit but I see him tomorrow to see what else he is planning to throw at me. I hate new doctors but because I moved to the countryside, I have no choice.

    I did have cancer in my nose, but 4 surgical procedures and I think they got it all.

    I assume you know the links in your signature are all lapsed.
    My thoughts are with you. Take care and know your friends here are thinking of you.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Thanks, Laurence -- I forgot all about my sig file. Updated.

    I don't like what the opioids do as far as energy, etc - but I like the pain control. Not worried about addiction. I'm prescribed twice as much as I take and I'm not tempted to take any more, so........

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    You're welcome, Sal. Things can be easy to forget when health is a major problem.
    I agree regarding the pain control. This one drug is highly addictive but I am down from 400mg per day to 100 and I think in 2 weeks time the specialist will try to get me off it completely. It's weird as pain seems to be less overall which is a welcomed benefit.

    I find some days I have loads of energy but the next day I suffer.

    But I can't complain as I am not in your shoes. Just take it a day at a time and know we are here for you.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior

    I am glad that this is working for you and that you know may get the meds you need BTW not sure about yours but the physio is not the best at this end as Dr Smith would say 'Oh the pain the Pain"

    Take Care Sal

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11348776].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post


      I am glad that this is working for you and that you know may get the meds you need BTW not sure about yours but the physio is not the best at this end as Dr Smith would say 'Oh the pain the Pain"

      Take Care Sal

      Jase many thanks to you for getting a fundraiser started. I never would have imagined that could still happen in here.

      I'm sorry that you're in pain. What form of pain meds are you on? Have you tried curcurium supplements? Try the liposomic curcurium. They should help boost the pain relief of your meds by a longshot. Also CBD oil if you live where it's legal to get. You don't need THC in the oils for pain - the other cannabinoids do that.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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