Create My Own Forum But A Moderator Of Another

3 replies
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Hi folks,

I'd like your feedback on something I'm planning to do. I've considered making
a forum, but I'm rather concerned it might create a "conflict of interest" with
a free Big Forum I'm a moderator on.

Big Forum deals with a broad topic that's divided into specific subjects, one of
which I look over. Imagine I'm the moderator for, say, the copywriting section
of the overall Warrior Forum, and I like to create one about copywriting.

Personally, I like to continue being a moderator of the Big Forum's section due
to whatever questions asked there that I might contribute. I am pretty much
"established" in that section without sounding like boasting, as well as to help
keep the spam and members' comments in check.

Three things I've considered are: a) not posting my forum's web site name in
my sigfile, b) not putting it in my forum profile of web site links, and c) not to
ever suggest members there to visit mine to get further answers to whatever
they're asking about. I am rather considering inviting a very select few to try
out my forum, as well as a few in other places I participate in.

Admittedly part of my goal of that forum is to eventually make money. But...I
figured I'd contribute something first to the overall "public" at hand, then later
create a paid section to post sensitive questions without being seen by search
engines or so.

Bottom line, I'd like to try to avoid any conflict if it can be helped. I also have
pondered quitting my mod position there if worse comes to worse.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Why not get some feedback from the owner of the big forum? If he doesn't have a problem with it, there's not a problem. It gives him a chance to set any limits he thinks are needed (links, etc).

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
    that's why there are so many of us.
    ...jane goodall
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3577971].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author davezan
      I feel like shutting my eyes, slapping my forehead, and going Doh!

      Thanks, Kay.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3584008].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Sometimes we get so caught up in the "how" and the "should" we forget to think in straight lines
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
        that's why there are so many of us.
        ...jane goodall
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3584159].message }}

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