How would u explain web service to your 7 yr old son?

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Hello guys, Just need your help. I found this question and I would like you all to answer this question.

Hw would u explai web service to your 7 yr old son?
All answers will be appreciated.

Thank you.
#web service
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    If you are talking about the WWW... How about saying that MANY computers are now effectively permanently hooked up world wide so that they can freely communicate with one another publicly , and that has been called the internet.

    There is a publication protocol, called http/s, that allows conveying related information, and using that to instantly create documents based on information the computer has access to, though it may just have precreated pages.

    The WWW refers to the melding of those concepts so that you can have an http browser(like IE, FIREFOX, SAFARI, OPERA, etc...) at your home pull a document from one website which shows info from other websites, including a site like amazon. You can then click on an amazon book on that site and your browser at home can go to the related page on amazons site which is updated with the latest info on their computers, and you can even buy the book and have it shipped to your home.

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  • Profile picture of the author JamieGao
    Use simple words that he can relate to. Here is an example:

    The interenet is how computers talk to each other.

    Special computers called Servers are part of the internet and they do most of the talking.

    A web service is a server that is instructed to say specific things when a computer makes contact with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by JamieGao View Post

      Use simple words that he can relate to. Here is an example:

      The interenet is how computers talk to each other.
      WRONG!!!!!! The internet is NOT a method, and computers talked to one another BEFORE the internet was open and before it even existed!

      Special computers called Servers are part of the internet and they do most of the talking.
      WRONG! They aren't special, and don't necessarily do most of the talking to a human. And many servers AREN'T on the internet.

      A web service is a server that is instructed to say specific things when a computer makes contact with it.
      WRONG! Most such servers or services AREN'T web services!

      Besides, all that would leave him with, even if it were correct, is something to repeat, not actually use or relate with.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    WOW! I DO agree, at least, that it is best to have it, and explain the steps. If you go to a news site, for example, he may think somehow YOUR computer knows about the news EVEN though it is simply communicating with a server elsewhere, that teams of people are updating.

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  • Profile picture of the author DazedandConfused
    My 6 year old nephew explained it to his Grandfather...pretty well I might add - he said, it's like calling up someone and asking them a question - or looking for a book at the library...and getting the answer REALLY FAST!
    Email is like writing a letter to someone's house, only it gets there REALLY FAST!
    (If you haven't figured out - he's into things that are REALLY FAST!!! :rolleyes: )

    Now - can someone explain it to that nitwit senator who said it was "a series of tubes"...? :rolleyes:

    @seasoned - Hi Steve, Oh, I remember the pneumatic mailing tubes (they were cool), but I'm not so sure he was clear on those either...he was still in the "switchboard age"...

    I remember reading about an L.A. school janitor who put a rotary phone in the office so kids who did not have cell phones could call out (this was about 15 yrs ago) none of the kids knew how to work the phone...:rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by DazedandConfused View Post

      @seasoned - Hi Steve, Oh, I remember the pneumatic mailing tubes (they were cool), but I'm not so sure he was clear on those either...he was still in the "switchboard age"...

      I remember reading about an L.A. school janitor who put a rotary phone in the office so kids who did not have cell phones could call out (this was about 15 yrs ago) none of the kids knew how to work the phone...:rolleyes:
      Actually, phones have come a ******LONG****** way since I was a kid.

      When I was a kid, home phones had these MONSTROUS sockets/plugs. I mean SERIOUSLY, WHAT moron made those? Maybe they were made for giants(like maybe 40' tall), with POOR vision, and oven mits for hands! SERIOUSLY! Regular electric plugs are required to be FAR larger, and yet are FAR smaller. And they were ROTARY dial, pulse, and ALL looked alike! They used to have numbers expressed like richmond 9. My understanding is that that was for [switchboard] exchanges! Anyway, I think by the time I was maybe 8, they came out with the RJ11/12/14 jack we use today, you could maybe fit 30 rj14 plugs into the case of one of the old phone plugs!. They ALSO got rid of "ma bell"'s control, and brought choice to phones. EVENTUALLY, they came out with the DTMF we have today. ALL in my lifetime! Less than 50 years! Pneumatic tubes were created quite a while before I was born. wikipedia says like 1836!

      I saw this "good luck charlie" episode, and the father, trying to fix a damaged drain in the dumbest way possible ended up shorting out the power. A friend came to visit their eldest daughter, and to make a long story short, she wanted to talk with this boy. Their computers were DEAD, NO POWER! Their cell phones were DEAD, NO POWER! And they lamented in front of the mother. The mother said USE THE WALL PHONE, IT doesn't require power. They said "The WHAT?"! They said "OH, we CAN'T! The phone number is in the phone!". The mother said USE THE PHONE BOOK! They said "The WHAT?"! The mother showed them and said "Now you can see what we did in the stone age, otherwise known as the 90s!"!

      Yeah, So many kids assume WE "old fogies" had nothing, and know nothing! I really hope that society doesn't end up as so many scifi movies have predicted.

      I just heard another *****MORONIC***** study today! It said android users are resistant to change, and CHEAP! And iphone users like change, try out new things, and SPEND!

      MAN, what IDIOT even tried to do such a study. If iphones cost $200, and the connect fees were a max of $0.10/minute, I would NOT have bought it when it came out! WHY? Because only AT&T supported it, and I am boycotting them because they disabled detroit and washington DC when I was there! WHAT good is a phone that has NO service when you have to (GASP) make a phone call? MANY people bought blackberrys because their employers INSISTED! Some bought iphones because some INSISTED! And FUNCTIONALLY, HOW is an android THAT different from an iphone? They are BOTH smartphones with touchscreens, exapandability, gesture control, etc.... Also, the iphone has come down in price, and some androids can cost a lot.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    Tubes DOES have TWO meanings. I think that idiot was referring to a pre 1960s technology of mailing things in some complex cities and big corporations, using pneumatic tubes. Pneumatic tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Still, such a thing is simplistic even for EMAIL, and really doesn't cover much else, and the reference is obscure enough that there are probably MANY that are even in their 60s that don't know about it! I have been in enough old buildings, observant around some multilane drive through banks, and have seen some very old films that covered offices to know about it.

    BTW MOST old buildings, even OFFICE ONES, apparently DON'T have pneumatic tubes, at least from what I have seen. Drive through banks aren't common, and multilan ones are rarer. The first lane usually just has a window. And MOST films DON'T show them and nearly all that do are office related. And they are generally like 1940s-1950s. In fairness though, multilane drive through pharmacies apparently have them. Again though, NOT common.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      My large credit union has multi-lanes and pneumatic tubes. My dog loves to watch them when we're in line
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
      that's why there are so many of us.
      ...jane goodall
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned

    I wonder what those kids tried. It must have been funny. I mean did they try putting their fingers through the holes to push the number? Did they ever turn the dial? Did they turn it all the way? Did they WAIT for it to come back? Did they let the pulse finish? Maybe they tried moving the stop! Yeah, I remember how irritating those could be. As I recall, they used to CHARGE to have tone service on your line! And ZERO takes the LONGEST, so it isn't quicker to dial the operator.

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  • Profile picture of the author DazedandConfused
    @ Steve -
    Remember that scene in "Star Trek # something (the Wrath of The Whales) where Scotty is trying to build a tank to hold these whales? - he goes to Corning glass, I use a computer -
    says "good morning computer" and it does nothing...
    The guy say's (pointing to the mouse) "no - you have to use the mouse" -
    so Scotty says "how quaint" - picks the mouse up like a mic, and speaks into it, "good morning computer"???...:rolleyes:

    That's what those those 7 yr olds will be like soon....

    (btw:I'm sure I will incur my own "wrath" from the many purist "trekkers" in this forum -
    phasers on "stun" please...) KHAAAANNNNN!
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by DazedandConfused View Post

      @ Steve -
      Remember that scene in "Star Trek # something (the one with the Whales) where Scotty is trying to build a tank to hold these whales? - he goes to Corning glass, I use a computer -
      says "good morning computer" and it does nothing...
      The guy say's (pointing to the mouse) "no - you have to use the mouse" -
      so Scotty says "how quaint" - picks the mouse up like a mic, and speaks into it, "good morning computer"???...:rolleyes:

      That's what those those 7 yr olds will be like soon....
      Yeah! Even MICE will soon be considered obsolete, and kids will soon not know what they are! I'm surprised they are still around. You know, only a couple weeks ago I thought the corded keyboard was silly. I found a keyboard that I liked, but it didn't look like they had it in stock. They had it's little brother as a KIT! Keyboard, receiver to make them cordless, and mouse!

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  • Profile picture of the author DazedandConfused
    I had forgotten, but I saw (did not meet) the Guy who invented the mouse at a networking in silicon valley in the early 90's - At least that's what the guy I was with said - "see that guy over there? - he invented the mouse"
    and he said it like the guy was some sort of cracked me up!
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by DazedandConfused View Post

      I had forgotten, but I saw (did not meet) the Guy who invented the mouse at a networking in silicon valley in the early 90's - At least that's what the guy I was with said - "see that guy over there? - he invented the mouse"
      and he said it like the guy was some sort of cracked me up!
      Yeah, you ever see the first mouse? YIKES! You could tell he just wanted to prove the concept.

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  • Profile picture of the author casdir
    The best way to explain something to a 7 year old is by using simple words, pictures, and lots of examples
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    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by casdir View Post

      The best way to explain something to a 7 year old is by using simple words, pictures, and lots of examples
      OK, WHY necessarily SIMPLE words? DON'T say they are too young because some may handle complex words FINE, and some adults DON'T! And OK, what kind of pictures would you use?

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