How to Sell More Expensive Products to Existing Customers...

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This was something that I thought a bit on before I went to bed last night.

"How do I sell more expensive products to existing customers successfully".

Then I came up with this idea:

For example: An 45 year old man comes in to a parfume store and looks a bit unsure when he looks at the man parfumes. So the pretty, young assistant who is a woman ask the man if he need help.

And the man says "yes, do you have any good parfumes for guys like me".

The assistant then ask the man; "Which parfume have you used until now?"

The man answer; "Oh, just some old spice".

Then the young and pretty assistant goes and pick an "expensive" parfume and spray some of it on a bit of paper and ask the man if he like it.

The man will most likely say "yes" and ask the young and pretty assistant if she likes it.

Then young and pretty assistant says "Oh yes. This is the most trendy and hottest parfume right now, and the girls like it to."

If this scenario had been on real, the man would most likely have bought the expensive perfume that the young and pretty assistant recommended rather than the old and more cheaper "old spice".

If you are a man then you know for sure why!
#customers #existing #expensive #products #sell

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