Update on my insurance lead generation adventure, and a question about LeadTree...

by marc.v
3 replies
Hey folks, I thought I'd update you guys on how I'm doing with my insurance lead generation business.

If you've read my previous posts about it, I was having a real easy time getting dozens of insurance agents to say 'yes' to 5-10 leads a week, but a real hard time finding good telemarketers to fulfill their orders.

A week or two ago, I hooked up with TheLeadTree. They charge me $17 for a lead, and I turn around and sell it for $22. If there weren't so many insurance agents chomping at the bit, the $5 profit per lead would hardly be worth the time. Thankfully they are, and it is. One group of agents is going to put in an order of 100 leads a week starting next week, and ~65 more agents want a total of 455 leads a week, starting within the next two weeks. Not bad, considering that all started with an e-mail.

Right now, I act as a middleman, and get paid pretty well for selling insurance agents on LeadTree's telemarketed leads. I don't have to manage any telemarketers, pay for virtual autodialer 'seats', or anything else. All I do is sell, and I like that.

..although, I think I can make a lot more money with my own little call center, so I'm thinking about renting an office and all that. But anyway..

So far, my clients seem pretty happy with the quality of the leads from LeadTree, but I don't want to hinge my entire business on someone else's business. I've also heard bad things about LeadTree's leads that I haven't personally experienced yet, but I don't want to find out late and be short on other options.

To those of you in the industry:
Are there any other companies similar to LeadTree that will offer me bulk prices on health insurance leads? I feel like $17 a lead is going to be hard to top.
#adventure #companies #generation #insurance #lead #leadtree #question #update
  • Profile picture of the author MonteMichaels
    That's a pretty neat little idea. How are you getting the insurance agents on board with you? Cold calling?

    Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android
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    • Profile picture of the author marc.v
      Originally Posted by MonteMichaels View Post

      That's a pretty neat little idea. How are you getting the insurance agents on board with you? Cold calling?

      Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android
      Not my idea, but I agree. It is pretty cool.

      I do make cold-calls as my first contact with the insurance agents. I just talk off the cuff and that works well for me, but sandalwood posted a script that is obviously a winner for getting insurance agent clients.

      edit - found it:
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelFosselman
    Anyone here selling Insurance Leads?

    Connect with me using the email address listed in my signature.

    Thank You Everyone!
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