Looking for someone to close this sale for me, will pay $400

14 replies
Hey guys, I've got a web design deal on hold and its been that way for a month or so now. This client opened up a new Mexican restaurant in my town a few months ago and my now ex roommate works for him so I asked him to talk to his boss about getting a website up and he was definitely interested, I've showed him a mockup the one time i went in and talked to him, but now i had to kick my roommate out so now I've gotta close that deal without him so i thought id come ask someone here and if i get the sale, ill pay you 400 of it.

Hope to hear from some of you guys soon!

Im on my phone and in a hurry, so if some of it doesn't make sense, i apologize
#$400 #close #pay #sale
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    ...he's not the decision maker.

    Call or go visit the owner yourself and start asking questions.

    Are you still interested in a website?

    What were you hoping it and I could do for you?

    Did you have a budget for getting it up and running?

    Is there a deadline you have in mind?

    Nobody can guarantee closing a sale. But you are certainly capable of running this process yourself and getting to a Yes or No. Just don't accept a Think It Over.
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    • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      ...he's not the decision maker.

      Call or go visit the owner yourself and start asking questions.

      Are you still interested in a website?

      What were you hoping it and I could do for you?

      Did you have a budget for getting it up and running?

      Is there a deadline you have in mind?

      Nobody can guarantee closing a sale. But you are certainly capable of running this process yourself and getting to a Yes or No. Just don't accept a Think It Over.
      Its just a weird situation, its the first sale that I haven't initiated contact with and I left it up to my roommate cause he kept telling me he was sure he had the sale, I mean we agreed on a price and everything, he's just been putting off because he had some other expenses.

      I've got other clients that im working on so I thought just getting someone to close this sale for me would make.more sense, its a warm lead and its 400 bucks so hopefully someone takes me up on this.


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  • Profile picture of the author hostwindsEvanM
    My first concern would be, wouldn't he think it odd for someone out of state to be contacting him about a local service?
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  • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
    ^ He wouldn't have to know, you'd just tell him you were working with me.
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  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    Haha you're going to give a lead to a forum full of guys who are trying to sell web design?

    I can imagine how that call would go if I made it....

    Hey there mr owner, you've been talking to one of my guys, prince vegeta, about a website, still want one?

    Yeah, cool, let me send you over an invoice for $1000 and we can get started right away.

    Then I'd message you, oh sorry mate he wasn't interested.

    And pocket a grand instead of $400.

    Don't dangle a cow in front of a bunch of t-Rex. <--- jurassic park reference, check that **** out.

    Take Kanigans advice and go make the sale.

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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    • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

      My first reaction was this is way too easy. Must be a fly in the ointment somewhere. On the other hand, let's say it is what you say it is.

      Take Jason's advice. If you can't do it yourself, then probably it doesn't need to be done.

      On the next hand, here's a thought. Change your offer to forum members. Give them a hundred up front to take their time to close your account and three hundred when they do. Maybe somebody will try it. Don't know that for sure though.

      After the fact money is easier to digest when you are trying to sell your own accounts. In other words, why sell an account for you for $400 when I can sell my own for a whole bunch more.

      Just my 2¢...

      Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

      The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess

    Give me the information... I'm not going to say I work for you though, I'll close the deal myself and give you a finders fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    How do we know you arent the guy and you just want us to call so you can record our closing pitch? lol

    I thought about it, I mean big deal its a call, if I missed I miss... but on second thought... nah. Thanks for the offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      How do we know you arent the guy and you just want us to call so you can record our closing pitch? lol

      I thought about it, I mean big deal its a call, if I missed I miss... but on second thought... nah. Thanks for the offer.
      That took a lot longer for some one to say then i expected.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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      • Profile picture of the author Oggyoi
        Instead of paying someone on here the $400, why not go in and see the owner yourself and tell him you can do him a $250 discount if he signs up before the end of play this month.

        You'll still get the sale and save yourself $150.

        SEO Agency spending $1k a month? PM for details.
        Best PBN Hosting www.tiptopcrew.com

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  • Profile picture of the author mayankgangwal
    Either You can catch him somewhere else may be in the parking,club or something like cool place and ask him if it is the right time and place to talk as if i can give you discount if you make the deal now and bingo. If yes then you will otherwise he is not interested or may be ask him to let him know where he can meet him.
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  • Profile picture of the author EnzoBlaque
    Originally Posted by Prince Vegeta View Post

    Hey guys, I've got a web design deal on hold and its been that way for a month or so now. This client opened up a new Mexican restaurant in my town a few months ago and my now ex roommate works for him so I asked him to talk to his boss about getting a website up and he was definitely interested, I've showed him a mockup the one time i went in and talked to him, but now i had to kick my roommate out so now I've gotta close that deal without him so i thought id come ask someone here and if i get the sale, ill pay you 400 of it.

    Hope to hear from some of you guys soon!

    Im on my phone and in a hurry, so if some of it doesn't make sense, i apologize
    If you aren't able to close your own deals this early on, you'll definitely struggle down the line.

    You are going to have to be the one to close this sale. I mean, here you have a brand new restaurant with no web presence. I guarantee you, if you are not the one that is going to put them online, then someone else will.

    You have already had a meeting with this guy, so I am assuming you have a contact number or e-mail etc.. Go ahead and give him a call and find out if he is still interested.

    You have several advantages in this deal:

    1. You have not irritated this guy with a cold call
    2. He is definitely interested in a website
    3. You have / or had a mutual relationship through your friend

    It doesn't make sense offering someone else this lead. Have some confidence and close the deal.. Then upsell and add some seo work.
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