Big issues with Local Keywords

by grey38
16 replies
Again and again, I keep finding 0 search traffic. Even in cities with 60,000+ people. How do you guys go about finding keywords for local companies. In my current case, home contracting.

It has so many keywords there could be, but none pop up with searches.
#big #issues #keywords #local
  • Profile picture of the author DennisM
    Forget using KW tools. You won't see much traffic. Just use common sense when searching. I just use Google directly. Think of the KW's you would use when searching for home remodeling.

    Now I know you're going to say "what am I supposed to tell my client"? This is where tracking comes in. Make sure if you're going to rank anything that the phone number can be tracked and then redirected to your offline client's business. Google Voice or a toll free number will work.

    You can then track by how many calls. If the calls are little or nothing then obviously that KW is not getting searched much.

    There are niches that just don't get enough local traffic unfortunately.

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    • Profile picture of the author kebertt
      Be creative when researching your keywords. This is an issue a lot of people have when ranking local keywords - they don't do the proper research. If you can't find keywords that are getting traffic, there is no reason to rank for them. Your client wants to rank for keywords that are being searched by their target market. This about if you were a potential customer looking for your clients business, what might you search for? If the long-tails aren't getting you the results you need, try shortening it up and using something more popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author wally247
    I have a general contractor client and I had the same issue. Hardly any or zero searches for a LOT of what they specialize in.

    And because I only use exact match search, the numbers were really they didn't like that too much.

    Honestly though, it's better to be up front with them than to lie and give them false numbers.

    As SEO always works out though, people end up finding the site by typing in all kinds of things, so it will work itself out if you do what DennisM said and just use your common sense.

    A lot of those tiny searches in my city still have many paid advertisers there, so there's definitely traffic!
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    • Profile picture of the author grey38
      Originally Posted by wally247 View Post

      I have a general contractor client and I had the same issue. Hardly any or zero searches for a LOT of what they specialize in.

      And because I only use exact match search, the numbers were really they didn't like that too much.

      Honestly though, it's better to be up front with them than to lie and give them false numbers.

      As SEO always works out though, people end up finding the site by typing in all kinds of things, so it will work itself out if you do what DennisM said and just use your common sense.

      A lot of those tiny searches in my city still have many paid advertisers there, so there's definitely traffic!
      It's a good point how people will find it, if I just get a bunch of SEO terms. If you don't mind me asking, what keywords did you end up using. See my contractor prefers using the big ticket jobs, like additions, home renovations, remodeling, stuff like that. Have you seen any success from keywords containing that?
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      • Profile picture of the author wally247
        Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

        It's a good point how people will find it, if I just get a bunch of SEO terms. If you don't mind me asking, what keywords did you end up using. See my contractor prefers using the big ticket jobs, like additions, home renovations, remodeling, stuff like that. Have you seen any success from keywords containing that?
        Yea, mine are the same way!

        Here are a few that I ended up going with that seems to bring them a bit of traffic.

        city + excavating contractors
        excavating contractors + city + state

        general contractors + city and/or state or with city first...some had more volume.

        New homes + city + state

        New home builders + city + state

        Those are the main ones. There wasn't a lot to pick for them, honestly as I just didn't have any good search data here.

        Bonus Tip!

        Go to and sign up their business, it's just one of the many local directory sites, and you may have already signed them up and optimized.


        Did you write a blog post? You an write blog posts on that site and they rank very well and very easily. Throw links at the posts and you could grab a few extra ranking spots for not much work!
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    I've got a list of like 80 keywords all with 0 searches. I know you said to only use common sense, but if the KW tool tells me there are 0 searches, doesn't that mean 0 searches?
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      I have a local site where, for the past 2 years almost, like clock work, I get 4 visitors for a 4 word keyword that Google says nobody's searching for. In addition, I get another 150 visitors, 1 per keyword, via 150 keywords Google says nobody's ever used.

      They all use the root keyword (a 1 word keyword).

      In addition, don't sell being #1, sell dominating page 1... make them have all the spots on page 1... and don't sell them traffic, sell them the satisfaction of kicking their competitors off page 1, sell them the satisfaction of being #1, sell them on the idea that over 50 percent of people check you out on the internet and, if you're at the top, assume you're good at what you do.

      Also, find out how much revenue they get off the internet. Then, if they have analytics, look at how they're found... If they don't, tell them it wouldn't be fair to them to pay you anything till they have something to compare you against, so install analytics, for free (but with a written understanding that within the month they will hire you... or pay you $x for installing analytics), set up a meeting one month later... tell them, Hey, you've got 24 visitors last month... I can get you 100... or something to that effect.

      If they have any revenue, they should be happy to pay you something for getting them more... The question will be how much? That will depend on how much revenue you bring them. Revenue here means money and satisfaction...

      First client I ever had wasn't interested in getting new clients. He just wanted to be ahead of the prick who owned the company he 1st worked at! I mean, he wanted more revenue too. But the revenue was secondary, the icing on the cake on showing the prick who was the man!

      Find out, first and foremost, what has value to them. Then sell based on that.

      Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

      I've got a list of like 80 keywords all with 0 searches. I know you said to only use common sense, but if the KW tool tells me there are 0 searches, doesn't that mean 0 searches?
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    • Profile picture of the author tigerbait
      Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

      I've got a list of like 80 keywords all with 0 searches. I know you said to only use common sense, but if the KW tool tells me there are 0 searches, doesn't that mean 0 searches?
      Take those 80 Keywords, set up an adwords campaign, target the top position regardless of click price..... Monitor the impressions over a 3-7 day period.

      You're looking at impressions. Not clicks. And this will give you the raw data you need. It's possible to have enough data after just 24-48 hours to determine if keywords are getting enough search volume to scale a campaign.

      And for a client similar to Wally's (excavation contractor), if you were to send them 10 paying clients over the course of a month.... doubt they'd be able to handle it unless they're a very large company with tons of equipment and man power.

      Like the others said... the normal local service business would not be able to handle 50-100 new clients each month.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayetaylor
    I think you need to search and read more about SEO especially about keyword research. The keywords you mention are all not long tail they are all just a simple words not a market keywords and soon. Sorry it's really hard to explain here.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Shhhh..........don't let the cat out the bag.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      Shhhh..........don't let the cat out the bag.
      just like fight club...

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author topkat13
    Dabk - you are so damn right - sell the domination factor! Taking a large # of the spots on page one is always the issue. We are huge fans of video marketing (mainly because we have an in-house video distribution system of over 100+ video hosting sites with a PR of 4 and above). The more videos and high PR links the merrier = targeted traffic.

    If you like, you can visit our site for a FREE 16 video education course on traffic generation.

    It is packed with 3 hours of ideas that are low or no cost. Good luck and stick with it, and remember: Everything is hard until it's easy! But make it easier faster with education.

    George J. Hanko III
    CEO and Founder
    Ultimate Internet Marketing Success
    "The World's Largest Internet Marketing Education Site"
    Build, Market and Monetize your Website!

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  • Profile picture of the author stephon81
    Don't take the keywords from google keyword tool because you won't find quality local searches from there. That was happened with me as well. I suggest you to use google directory.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    You can do reverse engineering or spy on related websites for their keywords as well as backlinks. There are a lot of tools for this one. Traffic Travis is a good choice Another good tool is Majestic SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    One thing people seem to forget or not know is that local businesses are not looking for the amount of traffic that a typical online business needs to thrive. Can you imagine what would happen if a local campaign was successful and brought that business another 1000 customers overnight? Most businesses would be unprepared and couldn't handle it.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Not only could they not handle it, they'd lose.

      They'd try to handle so many, their systems would fail, they'd end up with a bunch of pissed of clients who would happily bad mouth them for a total negative net gain to the business.

      If you're a small (1- 4 people) insurance office, 2-5 new customers off the internet might represent 25% of all the new customers you're used to getting, and all you could handle.

      If you're a mortgage company with 3 officers, your max capacity might be 25 clients a month. In your wildest dreams would be to getting 35 consistently.

      Originally Posted by Marvin Johnston View Post

      One thing people seem to forget or not know is that local businesses are not looking for the amount of traffic that a typical online business needs to thrive. Can you imagine what would happen if a local campaign was successful and brought that business another 1000 customers overnight? Most businesses would be unprepared and couldn't handle it.

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