Offline "Math Close Script"

2 replies
Thought I'd share a transcript of a call I did today - I'm sure the student won't mind.

All you need to do when you get an appointment with a prospect is perform a little math with them. If you don't have a proven track record it can be hard to command multi-thousand dollar retainers right off the batt. That's OK that doesn't mean you still can't get paid.

After some general banter and getting to know each other you ask the prospect "how many people do you normally need to talk to before you turn one into a customer?" Note: if they truly have no idea, then they don't measure and if that don't measure they can't manage... if they don't manage then they don't care about their business. Warning bells should go off, you thanks them for their time, and you move on. These seat-of-their pants owners make TERRIBLE clients. Moving on...

So you ask how many people they talk to before they turn on into a client. As an example; they say "about five" OK "so around 20% right?" Then you dig into how much one customer is worth to them over the course of a year... "What's your annual net profit for that one customer?" We want the net, so its revenue - expenses, like if they sold a car for $40,000, they didn't make $40K, they more likely made $4K. Back to our example. They tell you, "one customer is worth about $2000 profit over a year on average."

Then we get into the break down with the prospect. "so what you're saying is that every person you talk to is worth $400 right?" "Because you need to talk to 5 people to make one sale, and one sell is $2000 in profit?" "Is that correct?" Great! Everyone you talk to is worth $400! "What if, for every $400 person I bring you with my system, you give me $200 back." That's fair right?" "You do no extra work, just provide your excellent service and I provide with extra customers." "Basically... it's like we are sitting here just as we are, and for every $4 I hand you, you give me $2 back." "Then I hand you another $4 and you give $2 back, just many times over." You get to focus on what you do best (your business) and I focus on what I do best (bringing customers into YOUR business)

"Tell you what... if we can get started today I'll give you an extra 25%" It's already and amazing deal that for every $2 I give you $4... but seeing as I can see you're an action taker, and I like to reward action takers... for every $4 I bring to you... you only have to give me $1.50 back." "If you don't think we are a great fit at this moment in time... You can still sign up at anytime after I leave at the 50% rate." "That's a GREAT deal." "Oh, unless, one thing I forgot is that I can only work with one (pickle jeweler) per town." "If I was trying to work with more than one... well then I would just be competing against myself, and I'll tell you what.... I'm pretty good." "I don't really want to compete against me "

Always have a performance agreement (NEVER call it a contract) will you that has blanks for their name and the agreed upon numbers. ie every lead I send you... you will be billed $150. Etc Now you are going to bill them based on call tracking or email list building... but that is a whole nother topic that I will cover next.
Hope that gives you a jumping off point if you have had trouble with where to start or trouble getting your first paychecks rolling in.
If you have any feedback just drop a line below. Thanks


PS I posted on my blog but thought it might actually do someone some good here. (no one visits my blog
#close #local business marketing #math close script #offline #script #selling
  • this is really good. Thanks.

    also, you can do up a "sales worksheet"

    with those questions and fill in the blank based on their answers so it's seen simply and in black and white, bottomline.

    sorry, just read the last paragraph. sounds like you thought of fill in the blanks form.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
    Jason Kanigan refers to this a lot as Monetizing the problem. I began implementing it a few days ago and it's worked wonders for my commissions. Definitely a tactic that every offliner should have an understanding of.
    "Be the hero of your own movie."
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