Voice Broadcasting is NOT over and I am a fool for saying so.

5 replies
I've written - and have been paid to write voice broadcast messages. Essentially, they were "condensed" versions of my 1 minute videos with 1 direct call to action and a 1 subtle call to action.

Ex; "When you call me back.... So, call me back at..."

I THOUGHT I knew what I was doing. Boy was I wrong...

I recently wrote a ton of voice broadcast scripts for a product of my own creation and have spent almost $2k on CallFire failing. My process was this; write scripts, order voice over, upload, segment by time zone, segment by industry type and the appropriate time of day, and fire away.

I converted at a WHOPPING CUMULATIVE .025%!!


I am a huge fan of rap music, and you're not respected as a "real" rapper if you can't freestyle. At least that's the way it used to be... Anyway...

As my dying salvo - I "freestyled" a VB message. It wasn't exactly freestyle, it was a mish mash of what was already written, but I pulled it from my brain and blurted it out.

I then segmented as I normally do, and fired away.

I converted at 4%!!!! I've never personally seen with my own two eyes anything greater than 2% on VB.

I learned something. In my case - I am marketing a product to people that on it's face, is designed to supplant what it is an inferior offering. These other guys approached these people as polished professional sales people - why should I approach them the same??

This is only one lucky experiment, but I think a lot of you guys would benefit from canning those scripted voice broadcasts, and just winging it with a clear, sincere, and structurally sound VB broadcast message.
#broadcasting #fool #voice
  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    What product were you selling and to whom were you doing broadcasts too? Businesses I'm assuming, but can you give us an idea of what you were selling that converted at 4%?
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    • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
      Originally Posted by xlfutur1 View Post

      What product were you selling and to whom were you doing broadcasts too? Businesses I'm assuming, but can you give us an idea of what you were selling that converted at 4%?
      It was businesses. It also was pretty targeted. In other words, it was like a a NEW PRODUCT salesman getting an instant alert when someone's OLD PRODUCT just broke down. You know they have a problem, so you show up and solve it.

      To be more granular, there is data on when the appropriate times to call a restaurant, auto repair, salon, are... I minded that data, as I always do.

      My target market is folks who have bought a service where 50% of them say; "never again." Generally speaking, only 50% of my targets were even "convert-able."

      For this "last hoorah" - I went after hair salons around 4 p.m. their local time on Weds as that is one of the slowest periods of the week. Also Weds afternoons seem to rock in general as it relates to getting a business owner on the phone.

      However, again, I had done this all in the past to get .025% conversions... My voice broadcasts were crisp, radio quality pieces of garbage that didn't work.

      I choose not to discuss what I am selling here.
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      • Profile picture of the author jharri
        Hi. I know it's B2B but are you having any issues with compliance? Are you using Press 1s and leaving vms?
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
    First off let me say I am glad you pulled it off with your dying salvo.

    The key here that should be payed attention to is that the freestyle broadcast felt real and so they did not just hang up. Get yourself a voice over guy with a stutter and watch it sore! ;-)

    I accomplished a similar result with fax broadcast for insurance brokers.
    Sent out professional faxes with clean look, totally ignored.
    Sent out same info purposely somewhat sideways on page with blotches making it look like it was photocopied with a scribbled in pencil sig line at bottom
    Response through the roof and used for years with success.
    Ready to generate the next million in sales? The Next Million Agency
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  • Profile picture of the author meepo
    met a guy once who made an insane KILLING with freestyle, straight from the heart, entertaining VB messages. Sound effects, short plots, multiple actors... everything.

    People would save his messages to play to their friends... who in turn would ask how they could get on his list, because they wanted his messages on their phones.

    people dig this stuff.
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