Is there a way to add a shopping cart to your affiliate site?

by Tinkan
1 replies
I'm currently in the process of creating my first affiliate site on how to repair specific types of equipment. For customer convenience purposes, I'd like to add a shopping cart on my site.

So lets say that someone goes through my how-to guides/videos, and determines that they need this, this, and that in order to fix their equipment. I'd like my shopping cart to do 1 of 2 things:

1. They click the check boxes for whatever items they need. Then they click 'add to cart' to add all selected items into the cart. When they click 'view shopping cart', it THEN brings them directly to the shopping cart page with all selected items on the website that I'm affiliated with.


2. They can just simply purchase everything right from my site. And the website that I'm affiliated with has some way to track that.

Rather than, figuring out what they need on my site, and then having to go onto the site I'm affiliated with to search for all those items.

Is it possible to do either of these options?
If so, I would greatly appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on learning how to script that. I've searched google, and am not able to find anything even remotely close to what I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance
#add #affiliate #cart #shopping #site
  • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
    Many vendors, such as Amazon, let you link directly to specific product with your affiliate identifier, so that you get credit for the sale. You might want to ask the vendor about your idea of also doing this for specific "baskets" of items, so that one click could get you all of those items at once, attributed to your affiliate identifier.
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