3 replies
  • SEO
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I have the SEOBOOK toolbar installed on Firefox, and it's showing me a PR5 on a brand new domain. Even when I shut the page down and reopen it, it still pops up with PR5. Now this domain is BRAND NEW. It's less than 24 hours old, so if anything the bar should be greyed out, but instead it clearly comes up as PR 5.

I haven't ever seen a new website do this before. Anyone else had this? I am assuming it won't last. Nice if it did though . Any ideas??
#site #weird
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Is it possible that somebody had that domain before and let it expire just days before you registered it?

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Votoshka
      I suppose it is possible... but it's sort of unlikely. Well, maybe not It's a .info domain (I am experimenting to see if it can do okay... I generally like .com) and neither the .com, .net, or .org of the same domain name have any PR (the .com might... It seems to be for sale and doesn't have anything on the page).

      Anyway, I just think I will ignore it! I went to PR Checker and it told me that there's no PR, so I'll trust that. It makes more sense!
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  • Profile picture of the author ggoddi
    Yes, I do think that makes more sense when you check on PR Checker. yet it is also possible that your site domain has an an PR before you register it.
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