Question: When to start promoting a brand new site and when to start monetizing it?

by mtkman
4 replies
  • SEO
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at the moment I am a little confused and maybe some of you can help me getting my head from spinning trying to find the right answer to this question:

When to start promoting a brand new site and when to start monetizing it?

I read somewhere (it is already awhile ago) from a successful marketer that he registers his domains puts up some content, bookmarks all the new posts, pages and then waits a week before continuing to promote his site. Can anyone think of why?

My own guess is to avoid looking like you are spamming Google.

The other part of the question of when to start adding Affiliate links, Adsense and other offers to your site. Just last week someone told me that he waits 3 weeks to add any kind of promotional link to his new sites. Anyone know the reason for this? Does this have any effect on your site ranking better and faster? Or is it just a newly generated SEO Myth?

Thanks for your answers.

#brand #monetizing #promoting #question #site #start #strategylinking
  • Profile picture of the author D Baker

    From my experience in creating Adsense monetized auto blogs

    I create the site and add some unique content to it. than I set up the auto blog plugin and I start to promote and monetize the site using Adsense.

    I didn't wait. After I had some unique content I started promoting and monetizing.

    I don't think you can avoid the Google Dance and I have a feeling that no matter what you will do, most new sites will have a little dance in the rankings.

    The end result is that all my sites are ranking in the first 2 pages and none of them was sent to the Google Sandbox. (I have over 100 sites).

    I could be wrong here and there might be a better way to do this, but I am just sharing from my own personal experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike129
    Promotions is really important. It indicates your product, priceand distribution an elements of marketing. Starts it as soon as possible in order to get your business known to all.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoforu
    There is no such time to start promoting a site and monetizing it,you can do it as soon as you launch your site.Thing to consider is that,start building backlinks for your site slowly and then increase it.Do not be in a hurry so as to build 2000 links in a week or else you would be penalized by google.You can monetize with sites related to your niche,never link to a bad neighbourhood from your site or else there are chances that Google would put your site in Sandbox.

    Guest post links are effective when they are contextual and natural!!

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    • Profile picture of the author mtkman

      thanks for all the answers so far. I do think that starting to promote slowly makes sense. I mean making a couple of bookmarks and some article links should not hurt, right?

      Just really wondering why someone would wait 3 weeks to add any type of offer or affiliate link to their site?

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