SEO question: Multiple domains

3 replies
  • SEO
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Hey all

I am in the process of improving traffic for my site and have found a number of keyword related domains I would like to use for traffic generation purposes.

how would I do this. just buy the domain and have it redirect to my main domain, or should I create a site on each domain and have internal links on these pages redirecting to the main page?

Kind Regards
#domains #multiple #question #seo
  • Profile picture of the author ashishthakkar
    how would I do this. just buy the domain and have it redirect to my main domain, or should I create a site on each domain and have internal links on these pages redirecting to the main page?
    Gone are the days of just redirecting.

    Build a site and build it with a purpose not just for the links and only then will you benefit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    A different site for each domain is the best for SEO since Google likes content, unique content and frequently added new content. So yes, create sites for each domain!

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at

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  • Profile picture of the author HenrikPoulsen
    If I make a mini site featuring a sales page and a few unique articles (5-10 pages) on each domain, would this be a good start?

    at first I would probably create the sites to be somewhat identical looking but with different content.
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