Begineers Guide To Search Engine Optimization - Short and Simple But Effective

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The main aim of this thread is to provide all necessary information to the newbies and beginners in Search Engine optimization. I have tried my best to explain the basic things of SEO in this thread. Pardon me for my bad English as I'm not a native English Writer.

As you might all know that search engine optimization is the process of improving your website's ranking in search engine and hence in this way it improves website's visibility and popularity.

Working of Search Engines:-

Crawling of webpages by bots or spiders - In order to find the best webpages available in the search engine, they have to crawl all the present webpages and other documents like pdf and images links.

After crawling search engine then process and store those webpages in a document index. This process is known as indexing.

Ranking Websites for various keywords - When user search for a particular keyword in search engine. Search engine requires to pick the best webpage optimized for that keyword out of trillions of webpages present in its document index.

It first extract out all the webpages in which information is relevant to the user's query..

These webpages are then ranked according to there popularity.

So here are the ways you can increase your website's popularity..

On Page SEO:

It refer to the optimization of your website's content properly so that your webpages receives higher popularity in search engine's eyes.

Selecting the right keywords:

  1. Targeting a more suitable market that is looking for a content editing solution
  2. Competing with fewer websites targeting the same keywords
  3. Optimizing for keywords that people actually use when performing searches

Page Title:

You should have your keywords as the first word in your title.
Avoid long titles
All pages should contain unique page titles.
Keywords in page title should not be over stuffed.
Writing your title in all caps isn't a very good idea.

Permalink structure:

Search engines always give priority to the links having keywords in the URL itself. You should always use permalinks structure as
Meta Description:

This is another important factor which play a very important role in on page SEO. You should have proper keywords in the meta description box.

Body of the content:

Use sufficient number of keywords in the article. Using more than 3 keywords per article may confuse search engines for which keyword to rank for.

Having a keyword as the first word of the article work best.

1-2.5% keyword density is perfect.

Do not keyword stuff your content otherwise you'll ultimately end up in getting deindexed by the Big G!

Internal Linkings:

You should always interlink your two pages with each other. Always use the anchor text as the keywords you are targetting in the content.

Alt Tags:

Search engines can't read images and flash. So you should always describe your images in the post or websites with Alt tags. Enter the keywords in the box seperated by a comma.

Comment tags:

You should have comment tags present in home page of your website. It plays very important role in google's ranking algorithm.

Off Page SEO: It basically deals with adding backlinks to your website.

Things to remember:

Target Quality Links Rather Then Quantity

Build only natural looking links

How you can build natural links?

Build 10-15 Links per day only (As I said google always prefer quality over quantity)

If you are making 100 links then use your main keyword only in 75 of the links.. Target another keywords for other backlinks

Try to build as relevent links as possible.

Here are the following methods you can try for building quality and relevent links:-

Submit articles to high quality article directories like ezine, buzzle, go articles etc..

Submit press releases

Submit your website to directories. Use proper title, description, keywords and categories. Use high PR web directories only..

Blog posts

Write a simple and good post and submit them to various other blogs relevant to your website.

Just follow these basic techniques and get your website dominate over the others.

Hope all the begineers will find this post userfull and informative.

Thanks folks
#begineers #engine #guide #optimization #search
  • Profile picture of the author jhonsean
    I agreed with this post and It reminds me again with my SEO back then, I should be always a beginner to SEO through this it will polish my knowledge and extend my experience in SEO.
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