Please help w/ traffic

12 replies
  • SEO
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Hey guys I'm new here but I was hoping someone could help me with traffic/sales, I just need some tips, I've used fiverr but im on a very limited budget, I'm a college student looking for alternatives to make money while at school to help pay the bills, my website is, any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
#autoblog #autoblogs traffic #traffic #w or
  • Profile picture of the author ownergolan
    Everything is free -

    -Add quality content daily
    -publish your website everywhere you can - you social circles, places like this forum.
    -singmup to forums and add it to your signature, talk about it.
    -questions site
    -offline - try to people in your school etc..

    the list goes on, and if you dont know SEO its better, just advertise it like you just opened a restaurant.

    Good luck.
    "Aiyyo I'm gonna be on ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see..
    Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"
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  • Profile picture of the author silverlightl
    i wouldnt say adding content is really an option as its an autoblogging selling site, but ive lowered prices to beat those of competitors and such.
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    • Profile picture of the author prismkuet
      Originally Posted by silverlightl View Post

      i wouldnt say adding content is really an option as its an autoblogging selling site, but ive lowered prices to beat those of competitors and such.
      As a college student, I think, you are capable enough to develop your own content. It will have no monetary cost and you can get an edge of competition through lowering cost. In internet world, profit will come, but you have to wait and keep the wheel running till it can run automatically. Best of luck!

      check out the Pros and Cons of CPA

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  • Profile picture of the author BrianCorcoran
    From having a glance at your website, you seem to be selling autoblogs.

    So your a service provider!

    So go to a place where you can sell your services Warrior Products & Services

    All you have to do is pay for a thread and you will get customers. If you are a good enough service provider then you will do very well and make your investment back in a couple of sales.

    Don't be afraid to ask me any question about YOUR SEO issues right now! SEO is my First, Middle & Last Name.

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  • Profile picture of the author silverlightl
    Okay thank you, I'll try it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author trafficmasters
    Aswel as setting up your own BST thread have you considered paid traffic? It can convert quickly and allow you to focus on long term SEO

    First time users of adwords often get free vouchers to try - give it a shot!

    All the best
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  • DO NOT compete on price. Create a premium brand and charge accordingly.
    Epic sales videos - guaranteed conversion boost, GUARANTEED return on investment!

    Premium SEO - want to be #1 post-Penguin?
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  • Profile picture of the author 1over0
    I can see that your website is still a PR0. Maybe you should start with link building and content generation. Adding a blog to your site would be best thing to get traffic.
    And make sure you don't autoblog on your own blog, as autoblogs don't get rep with search engines and human readers. You'll simply frustrate your visitors. Instead, write/buy some articles.

    Freelance Website Development technofreak777[at]
    >> Google Search Parser << >> do-follow keyword links with Sponsored Articles <<

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  • Profile picture of the author DNAWRealm
    Link build through relevant articles
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  • Social media optimization is best thing to get more traffic. Forum links also good one
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  • Profile picture of the author silverlightl
    Thanks for all the tips! I'm working on it right now I've been building up my facebook page for it and trying to get that set so it's interesting to look at and not just some generic page for people
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  • Profile picture of the author silverlightl
    I've also gone ahead and paid someone to make a catchy cl ad and have been posting that up in cities myself. Can anyone with experience tell me if this is a good idea or am I just wasting my time?
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