How set up PPC for a Home Improvements

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Currently I recruit and train sales people for a UK based Home Improvement company and the MD has asked me put together a PPC campaign.

What's the best way to go about doing this:

should simply get a Google rep to set up the campaign for me, or;

Should I use something like Google Engage (i think it's called) to learn how to set up PPC campaign myself?

Any help would be appreciated particularly help related to landing pages as well.
#home #improvements #ppc #set
  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    I've never seen any good results come from a Google rep setting up campaigns so I wouldn't go down that route.

    There is a learning curve to AdWords and, if you have the money available for it, I would rather recommend you find a reputable Adwords agency to set it up. They can also come with some ideas for landing page changes and you can take a look at this list for inspiration: 101 Landing Page Optimization Tips - Unbounce | Landing Pages: Build, Publish & Test Without I.T.

    If you have to do it yourself, this guide is a good introduction to PPC and AdWords: PPC Hero’s Beginner’s Guide to PPC | PPC Hero®
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Shaw
    The best way to start and keep costs down is geo target and use long tailed keywords for different products. IE: buy crown paint london or cheap lighting supplies manchester. Also make small ad groups of around 20 keyword per ad unit.
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  • Profile picture of the author ppc4profit
    Google Adwords reps are helpful for alerting you to new features Google have implemented or changes in policy. In all my time running PPC campaigns I have not found their campaign suggestions to be helpful or well thought out. I can see how their suggestions make more money for their employer but they do not seem to have my business interests at the forefront of their thoughts.

    You say that "I recruit and train sales people for a UK based Home Improvement company and the MD has asked me put together a PPC campaign". Your valuable skills are not in PPC so I doubt that it is a great use of your time to start to learn how to develop a PPC campaign. Furthermore I assume that the MD wants an effective PPC campaign set up as a first move into this area so he should expect to allocate a budget for this initiative. You should use this to get expert help to research and establish the campaign whilst you manage the overall initiative.

    Landing pages are important and must be aligned with the overall campaign and keywords... but the first step starts with the business and its marketing plan:-
    - what are the goals of this initiative
    - what is the target customer segment
    - what are the benefits of your product / service

    These questions, and associated ones, are valid whether the channel is online or offline. This is where your existing knowledge and skill set are an advantage to you and you can start to prepare for the PPC campaign before a specialist is involved.

    PS the link in your signature is down

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  • Profile picture of the author SASA Techno
    This stuff is very cool and useful to fastest keyword improving, user a long tail keyword and define your area what place you have add that mostly add in right on top page because users go easily in that point and use that click time easily thanks..
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