same address on two website

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should I use same address on two different websites? I read some blogs and get the information that if we run two website on two different services then it is good.

But my problem is that I run mobile application development service in one website and on another website I run web design and mobile application development service.

so please help that should i use same address on two different websites?

In advance, thanks.
#address #website
  • Profile picture of the author clevelandslim
    You can have 2 different websites which use the same domain, however you will need to have direct access with the dns server. which you probably don't. Any domain hoster will not set this up for you as it is a tedious task. It requires a switch to be made constantly on their server.

    If you meant can you replace your domain with a domain name you have already used.. then yes. Domains are just Named servers which are just ip addresses. You can access your website without a domain by direct ip if you really wanted. Though, this is not secure.
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