How do i promote my link in facebook ?

5 replies
Hello Friends, i am very new to internet marketing want to earn some money online.
i want to know how to promote my fiverr service in facebook?
i am sharing my service in facebook daily the main problem is i have limited friends in facebook and all are from india.
tell me some process so that i will get more traffic to my service
#facebook #link #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Thomas
    There are internet marketing groups on FB where you can post a link to your services. Just be sure to follow the rules of the groups. You can also run ads targeted at people who like internet marketing or similar interests, but it's probably tough to make much profit on $5 gigs unless you have some good upsells.
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    • Profile picture of the author defeasible
      Yeah, like Ryan said, try posting in several Facebook groups about the products and services you over on Fiverr. There are many facebook groups that are specifically for "making money online" and pretty much solely exist for people to have free advertising.

      If you want to automate some of these posts check out Hootsuite (if you don't already use it) cause you can schedule your posts into these groups and it can save you a heck of a lot of time.
      Me on Social Media:

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Paresh,

    Do not forget to aggressively promote other people. You then make friends, gain their trust and branch out into new networks when some of these Facebook buddies promote you in return.

    Give freely receive easily on FB or any network.

    Also, create good content explaining the benefits of your services via your blog. Anybody can post a biz link but the guy or gal who runs a content rich blog gains a rep, establishes their authority and gets hired before someone who just posts biz links without sharing any extra content of real value.

    Hope this helps
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Dilley
    You mentioned that you are sharing your service on Facebook daily. Does this mean that you are promoting it everyday. Fans do not like this. As mentioned by other warriors here you should provide quality posts where your fans believe that you are an authority in your field and then you can pass your offer.

    Post good value content only once or twice a day and include your offer every few posts. Remember people are on Facebook not to buy but to socialize.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Adams
    Just start adding more people to your friends list. For every person you add, go over their friend's list and add some of the friends there. Those people will see that you are friends with someone they know and likely approve your friend request. Then when you share your Fiverr link you will have many more people seeing it.

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