How to get more benefits from Facebook advertising? Likes to the page or Clicks to the landing page.

6 replies
I think Facebook advertising is a good and affordable way for advertising.

But how can I get more benefit from FB ads? I have 2 options here to advertise on Facebook.

1- Get maximum likes for the fan page so that when I share soemthing my likers will see my message.

2- Get clicks to my landing page. Only 1 time chance to get a sales/lead or not.

Or is there any other way to get more from spending less on FB ads.
#advertising #benefits #clicks #facebook #landing #likes #page
  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOwen
    I have found that using a squeeze page software that integrates into Facebook as an app on your page (like Leadpages), then create a Facebook ad targeted to getting page likes.

    Then under the text and links section you can select where you want people who click your ad to go. Here you can either choose your page timeline, photos or your squeeze page app.

    I noticed that keeping the traffic on Facebook resulted in cheaper clicks rather than directing them to an outside website.

    My opt in rate on both methods was similar but I also had the added bonus of getting more likes and cheaper clicks.

    You could then run promoted posts from your fan page which is awesome for getting eyes on your content!
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    • Profile picture of the author jeskola
      Set up FB ad as clicks to website (it's cheaper than track conversion but does the same thing).

      Make sure and add the conversion tracking pixel and track for subscriptions.

      You want to use a small part of your budget and tweak the page until you are getting conversions (sign ups) then gradually increase budget. Basically this is so you don't waste all your money.

      Secondly set up a facebook audience pixel on your landing page - this will record everyone who visits your page. You can set it up to only track those who don't subscribe.

      Now set up a second ad that invites those people back to your landing page or perhaps a second landing page with a bonus extra!

      Boom! You now have an add capturing traffic and then another ad soaking up those who don't subscribe...

      Don't waste your time on Likes - pretty much a vanity metric and FB restricts how many of your likers see the content anyways.

      With the above you get more than one chance (you get two) for each lead that doesn't sign up first time.

      You just got to be compelling on both those ads!!

      Another thing - if you must get likes ask them to like your page once they have subscribed.

      Don't look to MAKE money - look to HELP people and you will make all the money you can ever want.

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  • Profile picture of the author mlz8OnlineBiz
    If you are looking for an option, to minimize your spending on Facebook ads.
    There is a wonderful option, "Facebook Apps"

    I am using this for myself & I think it can be very helpful to get more visits on our landing page or website or squeeze page or any webpage.

    You can get more details here - Facebook APP Creation
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  • Profile picture of the author BobyRurka
    The real question is how many of your clicks are turning into paying customers, and how fast is it taking? Facebook ads are powerful because of the targeting options it gives to marketers, it is useful for B-to-B marketers and salespeople. You can target people by job title and/or company, reach exact group, like dentists, architects and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kikrly
    Facebook ads do work. You directs traffic back to your website rather than your Facebook page. In one month, you can get over 500 visits directly originating from Facebook. In order to track your success and what ads are working and which aren’t, you must make sure to have some sort of Analytics report set up, like Google Analytics as it will give you detailed information on visit sources and conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author dgui123451
    I would advise that you promote your post & use quality and engaging in content.
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