Looking to run a simple facebook contest, advice?

4 replies
Hey everyone,

My fan page is approaching 4500 likes right now. When I reach 4500 I'd like to run a contest that ends at 5000 likes. I'm open to other ideas, but what I had in mind was a contest where the follower responsible for the most new fans wins. Contestants would invite friends and followers to like the page, and the person responsible for bringing the most new followers wins.

I plan to give away a free membership to my flagship vocal training program, so I do want contestants to have to put forth some effort that helps get the page to 5000 likes. Any advice, ideas or app recommendations would be really appreciated.

#advice #contest #facebook #run #simple
  • Profile picture of the author davidverney
    I think trying to count the new number of likes each member has introduced would be a bit of a headache. An interesting fact that you may already know is that each member of Facebook has an average of 130 followers. That means that your posts are visible to all those 130 people as your posts are visible in your fans timelines. You may want to do a different contest that goes in with what you have to offer. What is your product/service? For instance, a travel company could have pictures of their fans at a favourite attraction on vacation. A magazine could have images of fans reading a magazine from their favourite coffee shop or you can just have a competition to see who can send you the funniest image. There are plenty of ideas out there.

    I hope this helps.
    Twitter: @DaveVerney

    Learn to Build The Facebook Fan Pages You Have Always Wanted - Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author MusicMinCoach
    Thanks Dave,

    yeah I kinda thought it would be hard to keep track of manually but I thought maybe. one of the contest apps might have a way. I'm open to any kind of contest really. The goal is to run a contest that helps me get from 4500 to 5000 while somehow involving my current followers and rewarding one of them with the prize. In other words I wouldn't want someone who just liked the page to win.

    What I plan. To give away is a free membership to my 6 month home study vocal training course to the winner. Are there any apps you guys have used and recommended, or any contests you've ran that worked well?
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