Seller and Buyer Feedback

3 replies
It would be great to have Seller and Buyer account based feedback for members. It's currently too easy for sellers to hide their WSOs or Classifieds when things go bad - making it difficult for people to get true feedback on a seller in general.

It's also important for a seller to know what type of buyer the potential customer is.
#buyer #feedback #seller
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Baxter
    This a superb and much needed feature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karen Keyes
    That's a great idea.. I often rely on the recommendations of my peers, whether that be on this forum, or when I'm looking for a new software, or even a new recipe! Peer recommendations are very strong.. and speak for themselves.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7331807].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author unoentremil
      Yes. This is a very good idea.

      It should be required to know more about the sellers. A rating system similar to ebay with comments would be useful for quality tracking purposes. The tracking / evaluation could be displayed on the sellers' profiles. For example, to get warnings about sellers that change their update policies or those who discontinue the support for their products (take the money and run), lifetime licenses that become subscription based after just a few months, buggy developments and things like that.

      A rating system of sellers would improve the minimum quality of the products and services offered here and consequently, the confidence of customers. A default list of choices for rating purposes would be useful.

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