Unique JV proposal. Maybe, maybe not?

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This JV proposal is a little different than others but please read it through and respond or PM me. I think we can help each other out and, more importantly, make your subscriber/customers happy. Please read this post and this page I just put up to explain this more in detail.

I listed the win-win benefits for you below into 3 bullet points. What I would like in return is for you to just notify your list of the existence of my new website - Mass-Ebooks.com.

Win-Win 1.)
If you have an original, free, QUALITY, downloadable item I would be interested in reviewing it and placing it on my recently launched website - Mass-Ebooks.com. Making money is a great topic for a freebie but I am also interested in any topic under the sun as long as it is legal, ethical and (semi) moral. I'm no prude but I really don't want anything perverse.

Your freebie can either be downloaded from my site (i.e. PDF) or they can sign up for it at your site (i.e. email course). Your choice.

Important: Some sales links in the freebie are fine but it must offer good, quality, life-changing, content. (Please, NO sales letters disguised as a freebie or antiquated, recycled, 30-year old, crap content. That's just cheesy and sucks.)

Note: I will also notify my list - only 6400 right now - of your freebie with a link (my affiliate link hopefully) pointing to your site. Click to Mass-Ebooks.com and see the format.

Win-Win 2.) If you have any size email list and would like to offer your customers/subscribers a high-quality bonus - I highly recommend you point them towards Mass-Ebooks.com so that they can download the items they want. They will love you for it and I will love you for it. (I even have a simple email for you to send at this page.)

Win-Win 3.) If you have a high quality product with an affiliate program and a damn good sales page I will gladly help you promote it. Forward me your site and contact details. A couple things to consider though...

- Allow me to offer Mass-Ebooks subscribers a special discount on your product. Or a free upgrade. Or an additional bonus. Something unique with perceived value.

If yours is a digital product forward us a review copy. It's not that I don't trust you but there's just so much garbage out there that I need to confirm that you have a quality product before I sink any cash and time into promoting it. Plus, if it is garbage I sure don't want to recommend it to my list.

That's it. If you're interested lets start a conversation through this forum or PM me.
#proposal #unique

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