IM/BIZOP List Owners - Want to Make $$$?

1 replies
I'm welcoming ANY and ALL BIZOP/IM list owners to do a test run for my new CB product, Tweet Cash..

The sales page is pure eye candy.

It's perfect for newbie affiliates/biz op lists.

Commission - 60% of $37

You can send out a test promo straight up,

you can give away the "lite" version of my product, which is $7 on CB, for Free.

I'll make you youre own FREE custom landing page that says...

"Because you're a subscriber of SuchandSuch, you get it for FREE!"

Or something similar-

On top of that, the free version that they download will be branded with your hoplink to the full version!

Just let me know if you'd like to promote either way. I'm REALLY looking for people to just do a test blast, but if you like the idea of the free ebook & have a big list, don't hesitate to ask. You can always send another promo for the main product later on.

#$$$ #im or bizop #list #make #owners
  • Profile picture of the author manchoduck
    Wow, i'm interested. It's nice.

    Provides website services such as implementation, web hosting etc. :)

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