Established Firm looking for Designer "Supplier"- Only Excellent Portfolio

by jon99
1 replies
We own a SEO firm locally, and we are planning to provide addition design services.

The thing is, we do not have any previous work to show to our clients.

If you are a design company/freelancer, you may want to consider giving us permission to use your portfolio on our website.

You will be accepted as our supplier.

Conditions are:
- Do not ask for our firm name. We want to be the middleman between our clients and you.
- Supplier price.
- Quality of your work, and asking price matches- If your work are not of high quality, you shouldn't ask for an expensive service.
- Only up to 50% upfront payment for initiation of any design project.
- State timeline for completion of work and honor it. (Our clients will not tolerate any late submission.)

If you are able to accept the conditions, I promise that our partnership will become a smooth one. I will keep up my orders with you in mass scale.
#designer #established #excellent #firm #portfolio #supplier
  • Profile picture of the author Davee
    If you don't mind working with someone from the UK, I will PM you my portfolio.
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