Looking for Warriors in the Poker niche...

2 replies

I'm looking for Warriors who are heavily involved in the poker niche.

Websites, email lists, Facebook groups - anything.

Also would be good to know what revenue generation models you pursue... I see more and more people in the staking field, at the same time there is a lot of poker software popping up.

Please respond if the above sounds at all like you.

#niche #poker #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author zimzalabim

    I have a poker site with a quite large mailing list I've build up through giving away a good freebie.

    It's pretty much set and forget though does bring in a bit through JVs with other poker list owners for list building and recurring commissions from a couple of very reputable UK-based online poker rooms.

    If you're looking to get in to the poker niche I wish you luck. Can bring you an additional income stream as it does for me.


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  • Profile picture of the author lofiegos
    Hi! Are you still on the poker niche? I have a business model that could generate some monthly income for both of us and includes poker lists. Perhaps it may interest you! I have the model but no the lists!
    Contact me if you want and we´ll discuss about it

    lofiegos at hotmail.com

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