How do you get your main domain URL to be just a login page only?

by ncloud
1 replies
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I don't want anybody to see my website content except for members that have logged in. I would like my main domain URL to be a login page only. Then I want them to be redirected to my homepage after they've logged in. By homepage I mean where they can see the blog and other content.

I don't want them to be able to see the homepage with a login box on it when they go to my domain URL, which is what seems to be happening with this current members plugin that I'm messing with. Anybody know how you do this?
#domain #login #main #page #url
  • Profile picture of the author ncloud
    Update: I figured out how to do this. Someone gave me some code that I added to my header.php file that fixed it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10662910].message }}

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