by crowly
3 replies
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Hi guys,

I have this strange issue. I am trying to force space in wordpress post with   . Its all working great , but after lets say few days the code disappears :confused: .

Can you suggest another way to force space ?

#problem #spacing
  • Profile picture of the author Ambius
    I believe another way to force spaces is with inline divs, but it would be better to figure out why your "code disappears after a few days". code doesn't do this. people can delete/change code, but it doesn't disappear. You may have a security issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Razer_William
    You have to use new version of WordPress for good result. I am using WordPress 3.01 and it is rocking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abledragon
    With some HTML plugins, or if you've manually added the code to the HTML view and you then edit the post in the Visual view, the code you've added is invalidated because the WordPress HTML filters come into play.

    I use the raw-HTML plugin to make sure the HTML and other code I use works properly but, if you use this, you must always edit your posts in the HTML view.

    The Raw HTML plugin is worth looking at if you use HTML or other code in your posts - I reviewed it here:

    Raw-HTML: How to Beat the WordPress HTML Filters | Create an Awesome Home Business


    WealthyDragon - Earning My Living Online
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