Why Does CPA Networks Ask For SSN?

by 13 replies
Why do cpa networks ask for your social security number when you sign up?
Isnt that something people should not be giving away to anyone for security personal reasons?
#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #cpa #networks #ssn
  • There's multiple reasons:

    1) To confirm your identity before approving you into the network
    2) To confirm your identity when you send in your W9 tax form
    3) To keep as much fraud out of the networks as possible

    CPA Networks are bound by privacy laws and can never give out your information, unless your information is subpoenaed in an investigation or whatnot.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • It's like when you're going to buy a car, when you apply for credit, they're gonna ask for your ssn, personal friends, and even sometimes your previous tax records. It's all about preventing fraud, too many scammers out there, all they're trying to do is protect themselves and in doing that, you as well.
    • [1] reply
  • Fraud......
  • http://www.warriorforum.com/ad-netwo...-networks.html

    I think this thread here that can help you.
  • I tell you what most of these CPA network really sucks.You can sign up with some of them but they typically approve your account.However sometimes they want information which is unnecessary as you said about SSN.Now a user from Bangladesh or any other developing country dont have a ssn that means he cant sign up with them which is really irritating.
  • I think this is only apply on USA publisher rest world publishers are free not put it there . Because USA govt had record of each person income and activity .
    • [1] reply
    • I understand why they need it but the question is why they don't Have SSL? makes no sense if the company is making millions but can't afford SSL..I think they just don't care about you...so my advice to you is stay away from the ones that don't have a secured lock on page..For those blasting out your SSN to every dam cpa network with no lock..Good Luck!
  • if they don't have SSL, don't use them - plain and simple. complain to them.
  • Fraud

  • get legit, set up a company and get an EIN if you don't want to use your SSN
  • We can say to the necessities of security
  • Thanks CPATrendPhil for your nice explanation. I am completely agreed with you.

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