5 replies
Hey guys,

Let me start off by introducing myself; Hi, my name is Ezekiel. I'm a year old marketer, i've suddenly taken up the interest in CPA marketing, i couldn't take any more of SEO too much work, plus it took long to see results. Anyways cutting to the chase, how do you guys generate leads? I heard of people "Direct Linking" or other people create "Landing Pages" what do you guys think convert better? How do you go about creating a landing page, do you make them sign up for your list, and then send them the offer? Anyways, thank a ton guys! hope to bring success for all of you warriors.

#generation #lead
  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Custom landing pages usually convert better if you know how to structure them properly. That of course requires some experience, but don't let that put you off.

    My advice is, though, while building your landers don't start from scratch, make some searches on the search engines for the most popular keywords within your niche (these keywords usually have high bids and therefore only the top CPA marketers are bidding for them) and see how the pros structure their landers. Pick some ideas and copy cat their work. I'm not saying you should steal their stuff, just make your landers similar to theirs, you will have a starting point to take off of.
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    • Profile picture of the author ezekielseo
      Originally Posted by Trevor View Post

      Custom landing pages usually convert better if you know how to structure them properly. That of course requires some experience, but don't let that put you off.

      My advice is, though, while building your landers don't start from scratch, make some searches on the search engines for the most popular keywords within your niche (these keywords usually have high bids and therefore only the top CPA marketers are bidding for them) and see how the pros structure their landers. Pick some ideas and copy cat their work. I'm not saying you should steal their stuff, just make your landers similar to theirs, you will have a starting point to take off of.
      Hey Trevor, thank you for your input. Do landing pages happen to decrease conversions? because they have to go through emails and confirm them?
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  • Profile picture of the author aawebdev
    Thanks for the advice. This is really very helpful for us. Actually i want to know very much about SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author reliableplaces
    why not just get data to directly target them, get them on the phone and start building that way? CPA are a pretty tight-knit bunch, get a few and it just snowballs
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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Do you use single or double opt-in for such landing page?
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