Review Sites Oprah Style!

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Let's face it! Creating a review site is a pain in the butt!

An efficient review site needs at least 10 reviews! And if you want to do it right you need to test and try the products. You need to evaluate the pros and cons of each individual product carefully. That's time consuming!

And for what?

Aren't review sites dead? Well, some say they are. Some say they are not. It all depends on the amount of blood, sweat and tears you want to put into it. That leads us back to the original problem doesn't it? The fact is that creating review sites is rarely more fun than watching paint dry!

The truth is, for the amount of time it takes to create a review site I wouldn't do it if I didn't have a way decrease the amount of time spent on each site.

So, how do I do that?

Frankly, it's all a question of positioning! If you position yourself as a reviewer you have to actually review the product. If you position yourself as a reporter all you have to do is report on the product. See the difference?

How often do you think people like Oprah actually try the methods they are telling you about? Frankly, if Oprah had to review everything that's on her show personally she wouldn't have time to do the show. No, she gets people in the studio who have tried it and she reports about their experience.

That's what you should do too!

In addition to saving time, it will also save you a fair chunk of cash. Not all people will give you review copies of their products. And if you insist on reviewing their product anyway you will have to buy it.

Product reports are definitely the way to go! 30 Minute Review is a report, I wrote that shows you exactly how to put a good product report together in no time. Get it today and save time on your reviews!
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