How can i master the art of local seo to rank my local business?

3 replies
I own a local business and am managing the online marketing for one, I have probably already realized that local SEO isn't a walk in the park. While sharing the same basics, local SEO and non-geo-specific SEO are completely different from each other - the former being much more difficult than the latter. Constant changes and updates in Google algorithms don't do too much to uncomplicated the task. In fact, even the most seasoned digital marketers may struggle with launching a successful local SEO campaign!
But I want to learn this so that I can apply them in my case!
#art #business #local #master #rank #seo
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  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    There is an SEO sub-forum. You may want to post in that.

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Follow Local Client Takeover?
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    Hey Erika - you will need to build business citations across all directories. Look at getting listed in your local chamber of commerce and obtain any business licenses you need (these are published in directories free available online). Also cover all the phone directories.

    That's a start to your local backlinking process. You also need to verify that you're a place on Google Maps and start getting reviews coming in to build up a profile. This is before you consider trying to rank for any specific local search keyword
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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