PLEASE help me figure out a way to market this thing that I have done

18 replies
Hi. I am a web designer that is also a gamer and very small streamer. I am on the keto diet and I have lost over 130 pounds in the last 11 months and hope to have 150 pounds lost by the time I reach the 1 year mark then my goal is around 170 pounds lost a month or two later. I did this without any exercise. I do plan to eventually start exercising but I wanted to see if I could reach my goal weight without exercise first.

How can I turn my story and the methods I used into a way to earn some money online? I want to provide value and help people understand ways they can do things like I did to lose weight easily.

I have thought about starting a keto website but there are so many of those I want something to differentiate myself. Do you think I should I write an ebook or report and build a list? I was thinking about doing ask me anything amas in my stream about keto and weight loss and then have a link in my profile to the keto ebook or report sign up then use that to build a list. Do you have different ideas I might be able to try? I want to use this weight loss to a maximum advantage and try lots of different things with it while providing value to people trying to lose weight or be healthier on there.

With having lost this much weight so easily in a short period of time there must be some way I can turn that into a value I can provide to people and then market to those people. I am just so new to internet marketing I would really love to hear some feedback from those of you that are more experienced with ideas you may have.

#ebook #figure #funnel #list #market #marketing #thing #weight loss
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  • You could start by writing a free report detailing what you did to lose the weight and use it to build an email list. If you were using specific products to help you get your results, you could become an affiliate for those products and recommend those products in your free report as well.

    You could also create a video course and use it as an upsell to your free ebook. Some people learn better by watching videos instead of reading ebooks.

    Another option would be to start a Facebook group where you could coach people about your method and promote products in there as well.

    Those are just a few ideas to get you started.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Thanks. You would recommend putting affiliate links in the free report?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    That question was answered by the person who responded.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Yeah I saw that but I was asking like why would you recommend that. Would that not turn off the people that get it or is that something most list builders do? I had thought maybe it would be better to only provide the information at first before putting links in but I am new to list building on here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Use the search and start reading some of the dozens of long and detailed - and helpful - email list threads here You've mentioned things you 'want' to do - but until you start a project and test it you won't find the best method for YOU to use.

    Yes many marketers put (some) affiliate links in a free reports used to build a list - some build the list and then promote. There is no 'one' way to do any of this stuff.

    Why not put the advice into action and write a free report - get an autoresponder and set up an email sequence to use when people sign up... you will have questions - nothing wrong with tht - but specific questions can be answered better than 'what if' questions.

    note; DO NOT use the free (or paid) version of Mailchimp for affiliate products....that particular Autoresponder company is not affiliate friendly.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Thanks. I like doing it right from the start. For example if I had not spent time reading through here I may have tried mailchimp and then found out that it does not let you do affiliate marketing in it. I am working on starting this now. I have been reading on here and on the internet while talking on the forum trying to get everything ready. I am working on getting the domain for the website now. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Keep in mind - you don't have to know it all or understand everything...ever.

    Focus on your products and the people you promote to - and much of the other 'stuff' will fall into place. Enjoy the process - it can be fun.

    Go for it!
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Thanks. I am looking forward to trying it.
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  • Originally Posted by TheTwoPointZero View Post

    Hi. I am a web designer that is also a gamer and very small streamer. I am on the keto diet and I have lost over 130 pounds in the last 11 months.

    I have thought about starting a keto website but there are so many of those I want something to differentiate myself.

    Look at the bolded and underlined words.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    What do you mean? I see the keto gamer part that you highlighted. I thought about going for the keto gamer brand but is taken. I was also worried that that may pigeonhole me to only gamers instead of the broader audience and people that are not gamers may not visit the website or think I can help them with it. What do you think of that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What do you think of that?
    When I'm 'questioning' an idea to death my son refocuses me with one fits here....

    "Can you say 'duh'"?

    I think you are too busy coming up with reasons various 'things' won't work - 'ketogamer' is taken - so what? That's like saying you planned a vacation but driving there requires putting gas in the you can't go.

    Go here:

    enter your TWO keywords - and pick one....

    You have an audience you should understand (gamers) and experience with a diet many of them may need (keto). That's how you choose a niche.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    I have already done that. There were no good sounding available domains that I liked in that. I have already registered a domain for this and have started building the website. You are being pretty critical for something that I am already doing. The reason I asked him for more information was because I had originally wanted to do the keto gamer thing but then I was told that may make people that are not gamers turned off to the idea so I was wondering if people thought that niche would be big enough to make up for the non gamers that may not want to visit the website.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    The reason I am questioning it is because I originally wanted to do the keto gamer thing but then I had a friend tell me that they thought people that were not gamers may be turned off by that which made me think that may happen. Then I went through a long process over the last few days picking out a different domain name that included the general keto diet topic. I bought the domain and I am in the middle of building out the website now so I am not trying to talk myself out of anything. I just want to know what your thoughts are on would keto gamer be too small of a niche or would it be worth stopping what I am doing and going back to that brand idea instead. If I am going to do that it would need to be now before I go further building out the general keto diet brand.

    I went with for the domain. I did keyword research and those three words are widely used keto keywords and thought that would be a good one for the domain. I still plan to use the gamer angle I just did not do the domain with that. I plan to use my gaming stream to do ask me anything amas about keto weekly and tell people to visit the website. I am going to use the gaming angle just not limit the website and brand to only gamers. Or do you think that may be a mistake?
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    You can have as many angles in marketing a product as you want - as long as you keep them separated. I target men and women with many products... two totally different targets, and on my end 2 totally different mailing lists. and Keep in mind all of this points to the same website that has both male oriented content, female oriented content and then more gender neutral content.

    How does this apply to you? You are going to have a gamer oriented arm of incoming traffic. Gamers by nature sit around a lot.. don't have time to exercise etc etc... Same issues with people with desk jobs... or stay at home moms or dads that have a few kids to tend after. exact same issues.. simply different targets.

    you WANT a website.. don't try and be "Different" for the sake of being "Different"... You want content oriented towards each of your targets.. and you want neutral content to reach those that do not fit your targeted segments.

    If I were in your shoes and going in this direction. I would create a Keto cheat sheet of the foods you can eat.. you can find and copy these things online, then brand ( IE your website as your own) THIS would be your freebee.

    Keep in mind through all of this, its YOU and your story that's key here. what you did and didn't do, what you ate, and where you found these things. You can and should use affiliate marketing to point people to where to buy this stuff. Find programs for something like "Omaha Steaks" or find a coffee affiliate program if this is something you did along your way.

    In all of this what will create separation between you and everyone else is YOUR voice and YOUR personal experience. Forget what you may think others will think, and know if you can simply get one other person on this earth to get the same life changing results you have.. It will all have been worth it.

    Congrats on the weight loss btw

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    That is great information. Thank you very much for that. That is exactly what I was looking for on here.

    I like the idea that you have different arms for your marketing that lead to the same general website that has content that works for each different arm. I am glad that I picked for the domain now. That is the idea I wanted with it. That the keto diet is easy and I am proof that it works. It looked like a lot of websites out there made keto look really hard or expensive but I found it not to be like that doing it the way I did.

    Like you said gamers sit at their desk a lot and may not exercise and may be thinking that they may not be able to lose weight or be fit without going to the gym a lot so they may do nothing to improve that. I am not saying that people should not exercise only that that should not hold you back from losing weight.

    I like that plan. I will plan to try to get traffic to the website different ways through gamers and people with desk jobs and lots of different types of people. Then have the website have lots of content for the different types of people. I like the idea you had about the free report too. I was trying to think of a good thing to do the report on.

    Thank you for the ideas and information.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Now that, that is sorted and you have a "Path" lets expand on the idea a bit. Because I am everywhere on this forum I have seen you are also a web designer ( you have a desk job ) so basically you are living the sedentary lifestyle X2 LOL. again, YOUR story will apply to both of those segments of market, and giving you the ability to stay true to yourself with the story that plays out with your experience and knowledge of Keto.

    All of that is great... but while you are at it... Apply some leverage.. because you have it. I will assume you have a website for your design business? I am also going to assume you have a website for your Stream and gaming? ( if not, I would actually do this first ) and then you are working on your keto site. I would call this the trifecta of site building... a lead gen site ( your web design company ) and information site ( your stream site ) and then a commerce site of sorts, your Keto site.

    I say Trifecta, because those 3 site types are exactly how many types of sites the entire internet is built with... there is literally no other type of site to be made. THIS is the foundation for your personal experience in web design. 3 working sites that generate business, Capital, and maintain a following.

    By platform:

    Your stream: you will want to link to your Stream site, and your Keto site.

    Keto Site: Because this is about YOU and your journey with weight loss using Keto the web design aspect will play itself out ( link to your web design site ) and obviously to your Stream because you have brilliantly come up with the idea of using that platform for AMA.

    Web Design: In the about me section I would link to your stream site.. again it is what and who you are. I would also use the 2 sites ( Keto and Stream ) as examples of work, and maybe share up to date performance of the 2 sites, and how effective they are in doing what it is they do.

    I would suggest that you are in essence doubling your overall exposure to each and every aspect of your professional life this way... again because of your story it all makes sense so it should create a good balance. And it brings the 2 aspects of sedentary lifestyle you happen to live together placing the content as a whole in context to the differences.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Thank you again for the information. These are great ideas. I really like the idea of linking the websites and making it a group of websites that do different things but work together. I like the idea of looking into trying to put in content for those that have desk jobs too on there.

    I have not built a website for my gaming and stream yet. I have discord but I will work on the website for that. That is an interesting idea to talk about keto and the gaming on my web design website. I have a large portfolio of work now as I have been doing web design for businesses for years on there.

    Thank you very much for the helpful tips and information. That gives me a lot to work with and makes me glad that I posted on there.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheTwoPointZero
    Thank you for the idea. I do plan to eventually work out a type of course that people can easily follow but that is a little down the road on there.
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