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Video marketing is the new article marketing

Posted 9th October 2012 at 01:16 AM by automaton

The days when article marketing and bum marketing were in hype are pretty much over. The latest Google updates made sure this happen and the penalization the big article directories got made them wary and as a consequence of that, their submission policies were changed accordingly.
All these last crazy Google updates made marketers realize how unstable is SEO in fact and how big of a factor you can’t actually control unless you are a search engine. Those that are having all their eggs in...
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Video Marketing Tips

Posted 7th October 2012 at 08:29 PM by automaton

Most probably, the most common question in video marketing is: How do I promote my video/videos?
You have created a video, uploaded it to Youtube, Vimeo or somewhere else and then you wait…and wait. Maybe you get one-two comments, a few views and that’s just about it. All that hustle for nothing.

One of the things that have to be realized is that a video is an online propriety just like a website is.
So, maintaining the comparison, for a website, one of the most...
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