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Another WSO Tip : Titles

Posted 12th April 2011 at 06:21 AM by ConnorMcCreesh

When construction a title (and also when construction your product) there are several keywords you should think of targeting when you launch your product. These keywords are unique to selling on the WSO forum ;

PLR - 300
Wordpress - 260
free - 219
software - 178
offline - 172
video - 126
CPA - 113
niche - 108
article - 104
membership - 83

Now you may be wondering what the numbers are after the keywords? These are...
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Just Realised we get Blogs!

Posted 12th April 2011 at 06:19 AM by ConnorMcCreesh

So as a first post I just thought I would give some information about IM, specifically with relation to product creation/marketing ;

This is quite a simple one, when you launch your WSO, many people just leave it at that and bump it once it drops off page 3.

Most people do not know that you can bump your sales a large amount by just doing one of the first things you are taught when Internet Marketing - SEO.

Now take it from me, I hate SEO! Personally I find...
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