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Why I won't be completing this HAHD challenge

Posted 1st October 2010 at 07:25 AM by deannatroupe

I signed up for this round of HAHD (hundred articles, hundred days on ezinearticles) eager to complete it this time around. Then I got a paying client who pays me .02 a word. Then I started doing the math. Mathematically it just doesn't make sense for me to give away 100 high quality 400+ word articles. When it didn't matter how many words, I could deal with that. But if I do this, I'll be giving away $800. I can't do that to my family. If Chris were doing some kind of revenue sharing plan...
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Paypal button lesson learned...

Posted 25th May 2010 at 05:50 PM by deannatroupe

Check all of those fields when creating your paypal buttons. Make sure to set the shipping for 0 if you're creating a digital product so no shipping is inadvertently calculated on your product. Also make sure that the correct price is on the button. It can be quite embarrassing if your customer is charged a different price than what you meant for them to be charged just because you were being careless. Check and double check before you make things live.
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How to really make social networking work for you.

Posted 15th May 2010 at 05:50 AM by deannatroupe
Updated 23rd May 2010 at 03:41 PM by deannatroupe (change categories)

I keep reading about how oh social networking is dead. People keep saying social networking doesn't work. Well in my experience social networking can work the way it is supposed to, but only if you put forth the effort to make it work. It's not going to work if you never interact with the people that follow you on twitter or facebook. If all you're doing is concentrating on increasing your follower count or friend count, you have missed the big picture. It does you no good to have 5000+ people...
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I've started my own social network!

Posted 5th October 2008 at 05:11 PM by deannatroupe
Updated 23rd May 2010 at 03:43 PM by deannatroupe (website has moved.)

I have finally taken the plunge and started my own social network. It's a forum on my Learn Small Business blog
It's dedicated to small business owners that wish to learn to run their own small business. It's for everyone from newbies to gurus. I look forward to seeing you there.
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Planning For Podcamp Atlanta is Underway!

Posted 22nd September 2008 at 06:45 PM by deannatroupe
Updated 5th October 2008 at 05:08 PM by deannatroupe (changing category)

If you are a podcaster in the metro Atlanta area, we need you! We're planning Podcamp Atlanta 2009 now. If you're interested in participating or helping with the planning, go to PodCamp Atlanta - March 16-18, 2007 for details.
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