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A few riffs, rants and notes about ways to make eBusiness easier, faster, more profitable and more fun!

My background is big-corporate sales, marketing and product management. My current business model is a mix of eCommerce (I run a number of small and very niche eCom sites), Outsourced Services (we wholesale backlinks, articles and content) and eBusiness Coaching/Consulting - both online and offline.

When not reading or writing blogs I can normally be found doing something much more active and interesting (extreme bonsai for beginners being the current hobby ;-)

Why Most Internet Marketeers Will Fail...

Posted 6th November 2008 at 05:13 AM by IM Starter (Making eBusiness Easy)

I know, a provocative headline but I am serious.

There is a simple reason why many of the Guru's continue to be successful and continue to do Million Dollar launches and it is the same reason that you see a few names explode on the scene and than fade quicker than a festive firework...

Internet Marketing is not a business, for many it is an activity, for others it is a hobby and for most it is a permanent drain on their cash resources!

Before you spend...
Active Warrior
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