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Using Articles to Build Your List

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Posted 6th August 2008 at 10:16 PM by pwebbiz
Updated 8th August 2008 at 02:46 AM by pwebbiz

Building a list is relatively simple if you follow a decent strategy.

1) Create a short report in your niche with QUALITY content that answers a pressing problem.
2) Write articles for your niche - let's say 5 articles. This gives you articles A B C D E. Now change the format of each of the articles a few times. This makes something like the following:

A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
D1 D2 D3
E1 E2 E3

3) Submit all the "1" articles to EZA, post "2" style ones on your niche blog and get creative with style "3" (Use them to build a Squidoo lens or HubPage - or anything else crafty)
4) This will send you some organic search traffic from your blog posts PLUS you'll have the articles driving traffic as well. NOW offer that free report in exchange for joining your list.

Sounds like a lot of work? It's not as easy as PPC BUT you're getting much more for your investment of TIME.

Let's take a look:

For argument's sake let's say you are paying $.25 per click to your site (picked a rational, yet random number here - plus it's easy to work with) Let's say you have a budget of $25 per day - a little steep to build a list for a newbie but again, it's an easy number for me to work with. This means that for $25 you are getting EXACTLY 100 clicks to your squeeze page - or whatever.

Now, if you went out and followed the strategy I proposed above and wrote 5 articles - then you could even use a software spinner (yick - not for me but it just might work in this situation) to spin it into 3-5 articles each you would have traffic for the life of the blog (from search engines) and for the life of the articles / hubpage / squidoo lens etc!

I don't know what other article writers charge, and I'm not trying to press my service at all - but the numbers happen to work out.

So I'd charge $5 x 5 articles for the 5 articles. - LOOK.... SAME $25 PER DAY but the traffic will most likely last MUCH longer than 100 visits to your site.

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  1. New Comment
    Hey pwebbiz,

    The info looks good and helpful, but I have a question, if I understand you correctly are the letters A,B,C,D, paragraphs? So I switch aroun d the paragraphs? If not what are you saying gets moved around?
    Posted 30th September 2008 at 08:14 PM by pjgodines pjgodines is offline

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