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Why you should build an email list in Internet Marketing

Posted 23rd August 2014 at 01:07 AM by ripstick

When it comes to making money in Internet marketing you have many inexpensive, yet effective, methods available to you. Of course, free usually means lots of work on your part. One of the best methods to use is email marketing. Using an opt-in email list to build trust and rapport with your website visitors can pay you dividends for years to come.

Building a list is simply a way to have your visitors to grant you permission to communicate with them without being accused of spamming....
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Posted 29th September 2013 at 02:43 PM by ripstick

So I need a social syndication plugin for some of my WordPress blogs. I bought WP Syndicator a while ago and it worked pretty well but I wanted something that posted to Google +, which it doesn't.
So I looked and found one called SNAP which so far works great. Find it on WordPress
they have a free version which I am evualuating write now on my blog One of the features that I really like is you don't have to use the NextScripts FB and twitter apps. The...
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About Me / First Blog Post

Posted 24th October 2012 at 09:37 PM by ripstick

So this blog will basically be my online journal for me to document my SEO efforts, website optimization, any IM ventures I start etc. So a little about me..

I am a Real Estate Investor specializing in Rent To Own, I am always looking to buy if you want to Sell Your House. I also am a bit of a nerd and enjoy building WordPress websites.
In my free time I snowboard and hang out with my kids.

Enough about me, my primary interest is Real Estate and using IM to locate...
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