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Every Job Has Its Boring Bits

Posted 26th June 2014 at 02:43 AM by rosetrees

For me, the boring bit of IM comes when a website needs a total update. I use ClassiPress on two sites. One I updated months ago, but one I did yesterday. It's a big task - the latest versions of Wordpress don't work with the older versions of CP, so the site had lain unmaintained for a couple of years. I was also changing web hosts so the site needed to be moved.

The site had long since stopped sending out annual payment reminders and last year I was too ill to send them manually....
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New Year's Resolutions

Posted 2nd January 2013 at 04:56 PM by rosetrees

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions - I'm old enough to know that I rarely keep them!

This year I've made just a few around my IM business.

The year has already got off to a good start. My friend who runs the bridge site for which I'm an affiliate has started a brand new site aimed at bridge players in the USA.

Huge opportunities for both of us, we hope. So, of course, I've set up a new site for beginning and improving bridge players in the...
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Penguin Killed One of My Sites - Or Did It?

Posted 30th June 2012 at 07:58 AM by rosetrees

Like most of us I have several sites. One in particular has turned into a nice little earner, bringing a steady $750+ per month.

My main work is offline and online tends to be where I work when I'm stuck in bed being ill. I do that a lot and it's nice to know that I can still be earning money even when I can't get out.

I used an VA to do some seo work for me on this one site. Initially his efforts worked, but sadly the mightly Penguin didn't like what he'd done!...
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Online Backup

Posted 9th September 2011 at 12:15 AM by rosetrees

My "pet" topic. Ask any of my clients and at some stage during my first visit to them I will ask them what their backup routine is.

Some look smug and tell me how often they backup and where to. Some look sheepish and tell me they know they should, but they don't. Occasional ones look at me as if I've gone mad and ask me what I mean!

I use online backup. I asked on this forum before I installed it which service people recommend. The most recommended ones...
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Jobs in Ledbury

Posted 5th July 2011 at 03:54 PM by rosetrees

An innocent sounding topic - that hit me like bolt on Sunday (I know - how sad to be thinking of work on a Sunday).

You know how it is - once you've had that "great idea" you just have to do it - right now.

Our town doesn't have a recruitment agency, and I've been saying for years that it should. I never had any interest in starting a physical agency, so did nothing. Then just this Sunday the idea for a website hit me and Jobs in Ledbury was born.
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