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Gmail DMARC Update 2017

Posted 11th December 2016 at 01:27 PM by sendizo

If youve been keeping up with news in the email world, youve probably heard some of the chatter around Gmails upcoming DMARC changes. For most senders, this change will have little or no impact on their day to day sending. For others, it will require a little effort to avoid serious interruption. Either way, its worth understanding exactly what changes are being made and what the implications are for the email ecosystem.

Side Note: If DMARC is still a foreign concept to you, you arent...
Living Simple.
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The 3 levels to opt-in subscriptions

Posted 8th December 2016 at 05:33 PM by sendizo

When collecting email or leads its important that the subscriber is expecting your messages.

There are three levels to opt-in subscriptions. Each level builds on the previous level and is progressively more effective whether in ROI or Inbox Placement Rate.

1. Single Opt-in

1. End users provide their email addresses.
2. End users start receiving scheduled email messages related to the opt-in subscription.
3. No notification of subscription...
Living Simple.
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