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Unread 4th Aug 2014, 04:19 PM   #1
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Prosper202, 7Search, LP rotator and AFFID, RID values
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I'm currently running a campaign using 7Search as my traffic source and Prosper202 as my tracking software. I am split testing different landing pages, so I'm using a rotator script.

Almost everything is tracking properly, everything except AFFID and RID values from 7Search.

I've tried many different approaches but I can't figure out how to pass AFFID and RID values through the rotator. Direct linking is tracking AFFID and RID fine, so it has to be the rotator causing problems.

Here are the links I'm using:
1. PeerFly global offer postabck URL:
I got this link from Prosper202, Setup, #9 Get Postback/ Pixel, Simple Pixel.

2. Destination URL's used in my 7Search campaign:
This is the link to the rotator.

3. Destination URL's used on my Landing pages. 1 for each LP:
I got these 2 links from Propser202, Setup, #8 Get Links.

And here's the rotator script. Again, everything but AFFID and RID is tracking, direct linking tracks everything, rotator doesn't.

 Prosper202 Landing Page Rotation Script
 This is a modified script from the one provided by Prosper202 at
 // URLs of the landing pages to be rotated.
 // These are the URLs generated from step #7 Get Links,
 // one link for each landing page.
 // You can add as many landing pages here as you like
 $landingpage[1] = '';
 $landingpage[2] = '';
 /* ------ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW ------ */
 /* -- (unless you know what you are doing) -- */
 // Grab the keyword from the URL
 $kword = $_GET['keyword'];
 // The text file 'count.txt' must be created and stored 
 // in the same directory as this rotator script. 
 // Its permission must be set to 777 (CHMOD to 777).
 $myFile = "count.txt";
 // Open the txt file
 $fh = @fopen($myFile, 'r');
 $lpNumber = @fread($fh, 5);
 // See which landing page is next in line to be displayed
 if ($lpNumber >= count($landingpage)) {
     $lpNumber = 1;
 } else {
     $lpNumber = $lpNumber + 1;
 // Write the last landing page displayed to the 'count.txt' file
 $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
 $stringData = $lpNumber . "\n";
 fwrite($fh, $stringData);
 // Redirect to the landing page
 header('Location: ' . $landingpage[$lpNumber] . $kword );
 // Terminate script
Help truly appreciated,
Nabru is offline  
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7search, affid, prosper202, rotator

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