New Dating Advice Squeeze Page

17 replies
[Edit: I completely overhauled the squeeze page based on everyone's input]

I put a new squeeze page together over the weekend and wanted to get some feedback before it goes live

Dating Super Secrets

What are your thoughts?

Does the page and video load properly?

Hows the actual copy?

Is there anything I should add and subtract?

Thanks in advance!
#advice #dating #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
    It needs a little working, starting with the title of the page. My tab shows 'untitled'... you might want to fix that.

    The video quality could be better, it's kind of grainy, the voice is too low, I had to strain to hear you.

    The video is also draggy... I get no excitement from it at all.

    The copy looks ok, but it could use some 'oomph' also.

    The Recon Report
    Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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  • Profile picture of the author GR Marketing
    Looks like a good start, but here are a few suggestions.

    I'd Host your video somewhere else besides Youtube, the quality isn't all that good like Dani said.

    Also the opt-in box isn't above the fold. Try to decrease the size of your red arrow or something, because if they have to scroll your opt-in rate is going to drop a little for sure.
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    • Profile picture of the author HowardJackson
      Not bad.

      But here are a few suggestions:
      a) I suggest you stop the video from auto-play (higher jump rate) and place a "presentation" picture on it. So when people will come to your website, they'll be intrigued by that picture and will try to watch the video.

      b) The more stuff you ask from them, the lower your conversion rate. You should ask for the email only. Plus, the type of {!firstname_fix} personalization won't really increase conversion.

      c) Make your headline stand up. Your headline and the bribe are your two most important elements of the squeeze page. The rest of it can be about bikes and it will still get you opt-ins.

      d) For SEO purposes - you should link to a privacy and TOS page.

      e) You should be a little more specific. How many videos? How many minutes? "Enter your name and email below and get my 21.4 minutes hidden pickup videos and learn how to ... <main benefit>.

      I think that's all. If you need anything extra, don't be afraid to PM.

      Take care,
      Howard J.
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  • Hey Zach!

    This is one of the better pages I've seen here--and I review squeeze pages for people all the time.

    This should do well for you--and I should know--I have tested over 1,400 squeeze pages on 100,000+ visitors and currently have several squeeze pages converting over 80%

    To increase conversions I would test several variations:

    First, I would test using the same video footage, but with a bolder promise in a headline and in the voice over. Something along the lines of "Learn my Magic 5-Minute Pick Up Technique" or whatever bold promise you can make. People are interested in having their lives changed, not in watching you. Talk about how watching these videos will change their lives in one specific, limited area.

    Second, test a different background color. Black may be hurting your conversions.

    Third, test adding a headline with a bold promise. In my tests in various niches video squeeze pages with headlines containing a bold promise out performed those without a headline.

    Test using Google Optimizer:

    it's easy and will show you which variations have the best response.

    I'd love to hear how your conversions go after testing.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Hi Zach,

      I'm with Kevin for going with a bold promise in the headline.

      Reason being, not everyone will have their sound going for the video...therefore let the headline do more of the work.

      Example headline you can mold into your own...

      "If You Take This One Small Step...You'll See How An Average Looking Guy Picks Up More Women In A Day, Than Most In A Year...
      * With Shocking Ease
      * Without A Script
      * Without Being Sleazy

      Let these 5 Master Skills Be Yours...Even If You've Never Been Kissed By Your Grandmother... Or A Dog!"

      Headline Breakdown;
      1The first 7 words sets up the reader to believe what you say next is true, by saying he has to do something...

      2 Builds the feeling that this guy sounds like me, because he's nothing special...

      3 You now come up with a very specfic outcome he has achieved by using numbers over a
      set date. This becomes more believable when you give numbers over a time frame...

      4 Bullet points kill off doubts while building desire...

      5 Again, using numbers create more believability...transitions into the idea that the reader can be like him too...and ends with a high note!

      That's a headline outline for you to come up with your own.

      You still have to put the call to action piece in, of course.

      All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    Use a different background color (something like a light gray to almost white or blue)
    Use Tahoma for your headline, and make the color of your headline a nice dark red.
    Use better video (by better I mean the quality)
    Use a different headline and call to action.
    Use Blinking Arrows.

    I have a couple if you'd like me to send em to you. Just PM me.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2398563].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author activetrader
    Originally Posted by Zachary R. Skinner View Post

    I put a new squeeze page together over the weekend and wanted to get some feedback before it goes live

    Dating Super Secrets

    What are your thoughts?

    Does the page and video load properly?

    Hows the actual copy?

    Is there anything I should add and subtract?

    Thanks in advance!
    I don't like the squeeze page but what do I know - I am not a guy...

    Now, as far as your sales page:

    I don't see how you can sell from this video, frankly, and here is why:

    Mistake # 1 - You are hot

    Mistake # 2 - The girl you picked is NOT hot

    Mistake # 3 - You are much hotter than the girl in the video

    The truth is when you are hot, all the pick up lines go out of the window... And you are not selling to good looking guys; you are selling to ugly guys who want to meet hot women... correct me if I am wrong...

    What I would change to make it sell:

    1. Try hiring a butt ugly dude

    2. Pick a super hot woman

    3. Have the butt ugly dude you've hired meet the super hot woman

    P.S. The girl in the video appears to be super shy and doesn't have any social skills whatsoever; she was all jittery talking to you because she is very shy and unexperienced with guys; this is why it took you soo long to get her number


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  • Profile picture of the author writeandreview
    Wow. The comments by activetrader are great. Not sure how butt-ugly the guy should be, though. I'd stick with somewhat attractive people in the videos because most of us think we're somewhat attractive.

    If you don't change the headline as ewenmack suggested, then I'd at least change the first part from this:

    Hidden Camera Video Reveals

    to this:

    Hidden Video Camera Reveals

    or this:

    Hidden Video Reveals

    The first way made me stop reading for a sec because it didn't sound right. (Unless that's some NLP thing of which I'm not hip.)

    This sentence:

    Step inside to access amazing content demonstrated through hidden camera footage of students and instructors meeting women. You'll learn...

    will benefit from a couple of dashes or a hyphen or a set of parentheses.

    Copywriters say that you don't always have to follow the rules of grammar and that's true. In this case I think readability is enhanced by invoking a slight pause in the thought like this:

    Step inside to access amazing content -- demonstrated through hidden camera footage -- of students and instructors meeting women. You'll learn...

    I think this structure has the side effect of reemphasizing part of your USP (video footage from the hidden cameras).

    Grammatically it's still incorrect but it works. I might still change the "to" to "and" ... Step inside and access amazing content -- sounds more direct and active.

    The first bullet (there are no bullet icons but there should be) is:

    A Video Example of my favorite step-by-step approach to meeting women. It's simple, to the point, and always gets a fun, flirtations conversation started

    This doesn't jive with the set up "You'll learn ..." (because you can't learn a video example.) The word flirtations needs to change to flirtatious.

    I might even move the verb "started" to the front of the last phrase and delete "gets":

    A Video Example of my favorite step-by-step approach to meeting women. It's simple, to the point, and always starts fun, flirtatious conversations!

    The next bullet can be tighter with a few simple tweaks:

    ·How to instantly and reliably tell if a woman is attracted to you, no matter who else is watching or listening in on the conversation

    There's more, but, by now, you get the gist of my thoughts I'm sure.

    I just noticed that in the last para you wrote Hidden-Camera Videos. Seeing that made me rethink the headline. If Hidden-Camera Videos is a key phrase, then you can just make "cameras" singular and "video" plural.

    Hidden Camera Videos Reveal

    - Matt Lashley
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    • Profile picture of the author writeandreview
      The more I think of the phrase "Hidden Camera Video" the more okay it sounds. Don't know if that's caused by my new found familiarity with the phrase or not. It did make me pause the first time I read it. That could have just been my own particular hang up.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    you're an affiliate for the product.... i know alex. good product.

    i'd get rid of the squeeze and use it on the thank you page.... the video squeeze will have a lower optin %

    optin > thank you page with video and a link underneath to the vendor site.

    just split test 10-20 optin page variations till you find the winner, then split test 10 or so thank you page variations and you'll be set.

    you'll need to throw some traffic at it to get data.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • I completely overhauled the old squeeze page and am now looking for some new feedback
    "The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do"
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  • Profile picture of the author Absulote
    something else near the opt in to ensure trust!

    Make the bullet points something more exciting.. color check marks or atleast make them bigger...
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    whatever you do, you must test it to get DATA.

    the data will tell you what is working and what isn't.

    the only way to do this is to test.

    no way around this.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    From: Alex Coulson
    Sydney, Australia

    © 2010 Succeed At Dating LLC. All Rights Reserved

    we do not have a llc tag in australia ?

    in exchange for a measly email address with absolutely no strings attached
    just for entering your email address....
    camera videos is enter a valid email address below
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Thanks everyone for your feedback!

      I made some additional changes to the squeeze page, please let me know what you think
      "The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do"
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      • Profile picture of the author Hank Rearden
        Im with Dave on this one. Who cares what I think? You care what they think.

        Test it. This isn't the "Advertising Awards" competition... It's the "Make Money" game.

        - HR
        I swear by my life and my love of it that I will
        never live for the sake of another man, nor ask
        another man to live for mine.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    lol.... hank, some people don't get it. :-)

    This will make it easier... take every suggestion, every idea you have....

    make a new page for each.

    You might have 2, you might have 20. (right now I have 10 variations of a page I'm testing).

    run it in website optimizer.

    send traffic to it.

    IT will tell you which page is the winner.

    End of story.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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