Anyone selling on Sears? Any money to be made there?

1 replies
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I'm always looking to branch out onto different ecommerce sites. Sears keeps coming up again and again and I see that my competitors have some of their items listed there, but for very high prices.

Is anyone making any money on Sears? Is it worth the time and effort?
#made #money #sears #selling
  • Full disclosure - I work for a 3P inventory management tool, so I don't sell on Sears personally. That said, we do have customers who list products on Sears with success. I think the success of your products on Sears will depend on what you're selling though. Could be that many people still associate with what was sold in its brick and mortar stores - like housewares, appliances, gardening tools, etc - and will expect to see the same types of products listed on the Sears marketplace. If your competitors are on there, it may be worth checking out? You could always test it for a period of time and see how you do.

    If you don't receive any responses from actual sellers, maybe try posting your question in the Amazon forum, or another popular marketplace forum? Amazon and eBay forums are both very active.

    Good luck!

    Tiana with ecomdash
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