
  • 16 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Help with woocomerce attributes and variables

    networkmom in Web Design

    I am trying to set up different sizes for my kids parachutes along with different prices for each but the only thing showing up is the sizes and not the ... [read more]

  • 1 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Microsoft Advertising launches Marketing with Purpose Business attributes

    A new article on Search Engine Land reports that Executing Marketing with Purpose in your advertising is an important way for marketers to overcome barriers in the moments that matter, ... [read more]

  • 2 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Image alt attributes for headshots/portraits

    miabacall in Beginners Area

    I'm trying to optimize my site's images for SEO. The staff directory page has a headshot (neck up only) of each employee. How would you describe these kinds of images ... [read more]