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    Is Twitter Really Offering Verified Badges For San Francisco Homes? An Artist's Satire Nearly Starts

    A new article on Forbes asks if Twitter is really offering verified badges for homes in San Francisco? Forbes says that when a San Francisco neighborhood recently placed boulders on ... [read more]

  • 289 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    1000+sold - WP ShareMe: Unique Popups, G+ Badge + built in email capture WITHOUT autoresponder

    icun in

    1000+ sold in 24 hours! "A No Brainer. Jumped on this like a pitbull on a poodle!" "Now that was worth getting up early for!" "This is Sweeeeet!" And many ... [read more]

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    Are you a YouTube marketer? They're launching text markup in descriptions, plus new loyalty badges

    A new article on Social Media Today reports on a relatively small change that could potentially make a massive difference for some marketers out there. In an interesting new YouTube ... [read more]

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    **BRAND NEW** 652 Web Graphics, Sticker Badges, Order Buttons, etc - $7 Only!

    kidino in

    iSeller Sticker Badges I Am Not Going To Sugar-Coat This With Copywriting -- Just Take A Look At What You'll Get! 9 Different Colors - 2 Different Sizes - 14 ... [read more]