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    BIMI record and VMC certificate

    billwide in Email Marketing

    Google noticed that every email received from February, 24 will have mandatory DMARK, DKIM, SPF and also BIMI record with VMC certificate that indicate your logo is a trusted registered ... [read more]

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    Is SSL certificate effects on my SEO?

    Silent Hill in SEO

    I am totally confused about this matter. My hosting provider doesn't allow ssl certificate. I want to know, is SSL certificate important fact for SEO? Now what can I do?

  • 20 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    SSL Certificate

    klifecare in SEO

    Hi experts, What is the importance of h t t p s for a website? Is there any particular websites which especially requires these certificates?

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    How does affect the SSL Certificate

    bastify in Web Design

    Hello It seems that Google have been hard with the issue of secure connections and have already announced that its popular Chrome browser, mark as unsafe Webs that do not ... [read more]

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    Facebook and Coursera team up with social media marketing certificate programme

    A new article on Social Media Today reports that Facebook and Coursera have combined to produce an online course for professional digital marketers. It aims to fill a gap in ... [read more]

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    Do I really need an SSL certificate?

    hometutor in Web Design

    It's for a new website GetJobsHawaii dot com It's forum style so I get the Google and Firefox warning of unsecured. I know the other sites probably have them. Am ... [read more]

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    Unlimited Cloud Hosting - FREE SSL Certificate Worth $49 - FREE Dedicated IP - Blazing Fast 1GB/sec

    TheSystemsVault in

    "Take Your Web Hosting To The Next Level With Our Blazing Fast 1GB/sec Cloud Redundancy Hosting" It's time to blow the cobwebs off your website/s with ProudHosts.com Unlimited, Instantly Scalable ... [read more]

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    What is TLS certificate in mail?

    Hello friends, I am facing problem related to email. I just want to know What is TLS certificate in mail. If anyone have good knowledge about this. Then please share ... [read more]

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    What's the best digital marketing certificate out there?

    I want to be an internet marketing specialist. You know like for social media and SEO. I am not talking about those who you have to complete a whole program ... [read more]

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    How to integrate the SSL certificate to my website?

    Hello All, I have a well-established website and which is currently running with http. But as all of you know that the Google is giving most preference to secured websites. ... [read more]

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    Issues in forcing ssl certificate

    saurabhsharma71 in Web Design

    Hi, I have installed the ssl certificate in c panel, but while I m forcing the ssl to my website it is not happening. After applying a code in htaccess ... [read more]

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    Web Prosperity Security Certificate problem? FIXED

    Suzanne Morrison in

    Hi, Just wondering if Pat or anyone else has had any reports of security certificate problems with Web Prosperity? I had an email today from someone who is signing up ... [read more]

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    Question Regarding Links on a Blog with Valid https certificate

    rfharris in SEO

    Suppose we have a website https://www.example.xyz/blog and we have some comments on our posts with some outgoing links which don't have a valid certificate, Google will not rank the page ... [read more]