
  • 21 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    I'm Considering A 30-Day Write (or Rewrite) A-Sales-Letter-A-Day Challenge To Build My Email List.

    This might just be a subconscious excuse to procrastinate on my end, but what the hell: I'm considering doing a copywriting challenge of either writing or rewriting 30 sales letters ... [read more]

  • 832 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    I challenge you to MENTOR a warrior in need...

    Venturetothetop in

    Hello there! I read the thread about sponsoring a warrior in need, and although I see that as a nice gesture, it is very unlikely to help any struggling Warrior ... [read more]

  • 1025 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    30 Day Challenge (starts 8/29) - Make money with no money

    ShayB in

    (Edited the dates because I didn't see the thread was approved until just now and I'll be evacuating this weekend.) Edit: Challenge extended due to illness and such - This ... [read more]

  • 676 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    I Challenge YOU to SPONSOR A WARRIOR in need - *CHALLENGE - 100 Warriors Sponsored*

    Adam Roy in

    Can we come together, and sponsor 100 Warriors in need, to quite possibly change their lives forever? CHALLENGE - 100 Warriors Sponsored by 2011 First off, let me start of ... [read more]

  • 570 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    30 Day Article Writing Challenge - Write One Article Per Day For The Month of September 2013

    Michael Levanduski in

    Hello! After an extremely successful 30 day article writing challange for August, graciously put on by the lovely 'TipTopCat,' the collective thread for that challenge decided we needed another one ... [read more]

  • 507 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    30 Day Article Writing Challenge - Write One Article Per Day For The Month of August 2013

    Tiptopcat in

    Hello There! My name is Victoria Virgo and I have decided to set myself a 30 Day Article Writing Challenge*. I will be aiming to write one article per day ... [read more]

  • 458 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Challenge to all WSO promoters...

    Gene Pimentel in

    My challenge to all WSO promoters: If you run a WSO (must be a live WSO), I challenge you to "pay it forward" to ONE individual, by giving away a ... [read more]

  • 334 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Article Syndication Challenge

    Alast in

    Hey guys, After being inspired by a similar thread to this one, I have decided to set myself some goals and stick with them, whilst posting about my accomplishments on ... [read more]

  • 378 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    IM Beginner November Challenge

    rizzy in

    In the last couple weeks this thread has become pretty popular here on the forum. http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...al-estate.html I know the thread has definitely motivated me to start something. With a new ... [read more]

  • 367 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    2012 Tiffany Dow 365-Day [Lightweight] Productivity Challenge!

    TiffanyLambert in

    Hi Warriors! 2012 isn’t going to be the year the world ends – but it IS going to be the year I feel the strong and steady burn of a ... [read more]

  • 210 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    SUPER Louie in

    Thread Closed

  • 274 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    IM Beginner December Challenge

    rizzy in

    We are only a couple days away from starting a new month and new beginnings and challenges for everyone in December. For those of you that participated in the first ... [read more]

  • 278 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    [*Lend A Hand* Challenge - Let's Help Each Other!]

    oldwarrioruser1 in

    Just because we are all on an internet marketing forum doesn't mean we are all helping each other or even making any progress in our online efforts. The truth is, ... [read more]

  • 141 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    My Personal Challenge - Make $500 by October 1st Via ClickBank and Article Syndication

    brittlesnc in

    Hi all! After months and months of reading posts by Alexa Smith, myob, JohnMcCabe, tpw, Joseph Robinson, and a few others about article syndication, and after months of procrastination I ... [read more]

  • 150 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    CHALLENGE: 1,000 Subscribers in 30 Days (What would you do?)

    Kim Roach in

    Hey guys, Thought this might be fun If you had to generate 1,000 subscribers in just 30 days, what would you do? After we get some feedback, I'll share the ... [read more]

  • 97 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    MervikHaums in

    THREAD CLOSED AS WE'VE REACHED THE FIRST PAGE: Dear warrior friends..., I've developed several SEO wsos, training courses to build backlinks and Rank on Google's first page, WordPress themes & ... [read more]

  • 20 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    What is the most challenge to you in your affiliate marketing business?

    Mabu Map in Internet Marketing

    Hi guys! What is the most challenge to you in your affiliate marketing business? I think that there are main ways to learn and grow 1. Learn from our own ... [read more]

  • 72 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    My Personal Challenge

    Resale Rights Ninja in

    I created a personal challenge for myself about three weeks ago. It was to make $15,000 profit in two months and then earn $10,000 per month thereafter. My Plan Build ... [read more]

  • 167 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    30 Day Challenge - Make Money on a Shoestring Budget (starts 7/1/16)

    ShayB in

    Have you heard the saying that it takes a lot of money to make money? It's not true. The purpose of this thread will be twofold. The first part is ... [read more]

  • 117 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Chris Egan's Software Challenge

    Chris Dolan in

    Challenge us to make your software idea into a software reality, and own a share of the business. The challenge is simple and wonderful. Think about a software tool (non-existant) ... [read more]

  • 90 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    IM Quit My Job or Live Dream Life CHALLENGE

    Mukul Verma in

    Hey Warriors, I started online in starting of 2003, replaced my job in mid 2007. I did not know Warrior Forum or Internet Marketing, but made it happen. I challenge ... [read more]

  • 87 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Newbie Start Up Challenge

    vndnbrgj in

    I want to post a challenge to all the newbies. Stop Buying WSO's for now. Here is how this is going to work: You go out and find an offline ... [read more]

  • 77 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Dee J Kumar's 12 weeks Blogging challenge

    Venturetothetop in

    They say 12 weeks can change your life... So here is a 12 week challenge that will change your blogging life forever. If like the younger me, you have struggled ... [read more]

  • 99 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}


    AmandaT in

    All five have been chosen! I will reopen when I have finished helping this group. Hello, Before you read any more than this, I want to make it clear that ... [read more]

  • 91 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    $120,000 Challenge! Join me, help yourself, and help a charity in need!

    Eddie Titan in

    Note: This is a long term challenge. This challenge will serve three purposes. First, it will hold me accountable to my goals. Second, it will hold other people accountable to ... [read more]